1. I do not wanna be the child growing up under shiv and Tom Wambsgan’s marriage

  2. I read an article saying NIO will be bankrupt by early 2024. A lot of people gonna be mad about that one

  3. There’s a thousand billionaires in China and the champagne socialists of Reddit still want communism 😂. Jeff Bezos is just a merchant in capitalist America. Any other country at any other time in history and he’d be the most vicious conquerer the world has ever seen. It’s too bad Stalin wasn’t born here to make computers or cars or something.

  4. How about Elon? An aspergers eccentric weirdo, any other time in history and he wouldn’t have become as influential as he is

  5. The reason why is because most homeowners got their mortgage in a under 3% and they don’t want to sell the house and buy another one at 7% because then they’d get fucked

  6. We all just want to feel that we fit in and are loved

  7. 3 month treasuries are paying 5.2%. Is now the greatest time ever to buy 3month treasuries?

  8. even treasuries are now a gamble :30641:

  9. What happened to the guy who was sex trafficking 18 yr old Colombian girls?

  10. What company is this? Just randomly schedule you for 70 hours a week and expect no fighting back?

  11. According to Nazi documents recovered by the Allies in Berlin, in the final months of WW2 Hitler became obsessed with the idea of making it rain shit on London, like literally. He had engineers working on a way to get sprinklers to spray diarrhea so they could be affixed to zeppelins, but they ran into problems where chunks kept blocking the lines and the sprinkler heads and in addition they were always deviled by the basic problem of getting enough shit airborne to make it rain on an entire city

  12. I am not going to dignify this with a google search

  13. REITs for office space having a rough patch. You think people will ever actually return to the office in full?

  14. If Reddit didn’t algorithmically favor leftist viewpoints, it would immediately become 4chan

  15. can u ever come back from a happy ending or are u tainted for life? ☠️

  16. Congrats! It will bring a new perspective to your life

  17. Lmao they are so wrong, holy cow. There are 5 jobs for every 1 developer.

  18. As a SysAdmin, I'd say it's heavily dependent on your skill set and what you're wanting to do. Work is steady in my field, not oversaturated but not a free for all either. Whereas my friend in the Cybersecurity world basically gets to write his own salary since there is not enough of people with his skill set out there.

  19. How does one get into the cybersecurity world? I have my bachelors in history.

  20. “All dating is based on deception.”-Sun Tzu

  21. Laws are really a bunch of rules to protect the public from sociopaths and psychopaths, but what happens when the law makers are those people?

  22. How have your attitudes towards having a partner/gf/bf/wife/husband changed over time? I used to think I was perfectly fine being alone until I realized how a fulfilling and meaningful relationship can make you so much happier

  23. I used to think getting married at an early age was stupid, but then I realized the advantage of marrying young (23 or younger) which adds so much stability and growth to your lifw

  24. Which one of you NasT fuckers gave my 65 yearold renter scabies?

  25. How to become rich without using stock market

  26. If I stay with one employer I know I can be happy working the next 40 years. If I switch companies, suddenly I'm not sure how many years I can last.

  27. Yeah, but they can still fire you after 15 years for some stupid reason and you will feel the desire to shoot the place up

  28. 15 years is still a good run. Some people can't hold a job for longer than 12 months.

  29. For whatever reason, people switch jobs because they can’t get along with their coworkers or they think it’s too boring and repetitive or work-life balance is bad. But the real reason is they’re just running from themselves. If you switch from job to job, the problem isn’t the job it’s you

  30. If you join the military and you’re not poor, rural, or southern I question your intentions

  31. You really don’t care about the economy, do you

  32. Imagine using robinhood. They steal from the poor and give to the rich

  33. I’m really hoping he understands how absolutely important his incomparable feat of bravery was. I got sweaty just listening to him retell it

  34. Anyone would have done it. In that situation, it’s fair to say you either run or you’re dead. Don’t expect psychos who hold a gun to your dead and call themselves marathon bombing suspects to take pity on you and spare you. But I’m not discounting that it takes being extremely cool under pressure. One split second more to undo that lock on his door after he get his seatbelt undone, and he wouldn’t have made it

  35. You could throw 100 darts at a board, and chances are one of them sticks. He just throws everything at the wall and hopes it sticks

  36. I tried watching the anime show One Piece I have no idea what the fuck is going on. Even with subtitles

  37. Humans are a weird species. Like why tf would you give up your life to defend a monkey that is hoarding all the bananas.

  38. Because that monkey is paying you a share of the bananas that you think your life depends on

  39. Strange how every single 401K plan is all about stocks, and many cities, towns and other municipalities are also heavily invested in stocks in order to keep taxes down while still providing the same level of services to the citizens.

  40. Because the money you put aside now will be worth significantly less in 40 years because of inflation?

  41. Which is why most intelligent people want the value of their money to increase over the years, so can live comfortably when they retire.

  42. So what you’re referring to is deflation, which is that the dollar increases in value over the years? The problem with that is it is bad for the economy because it discourages spending, people think “why buy that expensive thing now, when it will be worth less dollars next year” so people hoard cash and the economy suffers

  43. I think laying out the options would help. I.e. if you like learning and are good at it, you can go onto college and university etc., if you don't do as well, you can still go on to do BTECs, apprenticeships etc. Laying out the path of school, college, University as if its the only way is a big factor I'm causing the stress I think

  44. I think a lot of parents should encourage their kids to get into the trades. There’s a stigma that it’s “beneath them” or it doesn’t get enough money/upper middle class status. But it actually does make good money, especially later in life if you can start your own business and there’s a mental health benefit to starting a vocation at age 18 instead of spending 4 years in purgatory at university doing nothing but drinking, hooking up and learning generally useless information.

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