1. I mean... I think this happens to everyone. You could start just having friends that are women. They tend to be pretty fun...

  2. I am a woman and closest with the girls. But I am friends with their partners too. I don’t get what you’re saying

  3. Yeah I'm saying make friends with the people you're attracted to

  4. Why would I want to be attracted to my friends I’m confused unless you don’t mean literally physically attracted

  5. Every time I've been propositioned, friends or strangers.

  6. What if you’re in a a relationship?

  7. I've never been in an exclusive relationship

  8. Find a job that doesn’t feel like work! You can’t have zero income.

  9. You probably don't wanna know about Picasso then :(

  10. I wouldn't see it as bad thing bro I would see it as good thing haha lol

  11. Did you not see the comment about how he was drugged??

  12. I think I will have to look for one again. Therapy has never been wonderful for me, partly because I'm a veteran child and youth care worker. I found that therapists would give me "things to try", and open up their therapeutic toolboxes to reveal all the strategies I teach to the kids with whom I work. I want to say, "I know all the things to try, what I want to know is what's blocking me from trying, and what can I do about that?" Then I get more strategies.

  13. I’ve seen so may therapists over the years until I found the magic one who is life changing. As for dating, it feels more possible because I found the right therapist so I am making changes.

  14. 19 is so young! Totally normal to be inexperienced. Some start even younger but it doesn’t make you “weird” for starting to date at a later age

  15. My ex-wife was knock down gorgeous and a fitness competitor. She too was a police officer and was invited to pose for Playboy, for a women in law enforcement edition. She actually went to the mansion, however wasn't accepted. Had she, I could have gone for the actual photo shoot. I digress...

  16. I was born in the late 80s and never felt that way. For a brief time I thought being slightly older in the 90s would’ve been fun but as a woman watching documentaries I realized how sexist it was back then. No thanks. I was born at the right time. World will implode soon after I die probably 😂

  17. We all have dreams and some people just have to try harder to achieve them. Just because we don’t personally want kids doesn’t mean that others should give up because something is hard.

  18. It's difficult. I used to be the smartest kid. Friendly, attentive, sensitive and kind. I started smoking weed at 16. Thought nothing of it. Took harder drugs from 18.

  19. I wouldn’t throw in the towel now. It sounds like meds helped and maybe if you join a program for drug addiction you’ll be less tempted in the future. Not saying you were addicted but you could learn strategies to cope instead of turning to drugs

  20. I hate drugs. Won't touch the stuff ever again. Don't need to join a program to figure that out.

  21. Therapy of any sort would definitely help

  22. basic economic principles, the relationship brings them something they desire the cheating brings them something they desire. They may not actually care about the relationship so much as what they get from the relationship. Rich men with mistresses often heavily rely on their wives to organize their non business lives, basically they get a fairly cheap executive secretary.

  23. The question is specific to those without financial obligations

  24. "specific" change its defenition recently?  Or, are you confusing the words "specifically" and "especially" thinking they mean the same thing?  

  25. I’m so sorry for your pain. It seems like you are a woman. Many countries have domestic abuse shelters, maybe you can qualify. It’s a shame you’re homeless. I wish you the best. Healing takes time.

  26. Common with adhd. Something called time blindness. Just shitty at forecasting all of the things that can go wrong and make you late.

  27. You mentioned you don’t feel empathy but say you can feel love. What would happen if someone you loved died or was living with daily excruciating pain? Assuming no one was to blame here.

  28. If she was open to therapy that’s one thing. Maybe she will be open to it if you give an ultimatum. If she ends up going to therapy from that I’d still say don’t move in with her until you see improvement

  29. Oh there’s complications. Mainly because of me being the only jealous one. It’s my fault.

  30. Stop blaming yourself. He’s the problem.

  31. I noticed that too! Really ahead to find especially in person but I think if you look hard enough online there are a few

  32. I didn’t realize women actually care. I don’t. A penis is a penis, just use it right and be clean, that’s my take lol

  33. No, an asexual person doesn’t feel sexual attraction to anyone. I’m definitely attracted to people sexually I just choose not to have sex because of my beliefs and or the consequences that come with it.

  34. Oh got it. Do you plan to be celibate indefinitely?

  35. If you have no interest in dating or sex wouldn’t you be asexual and aromantic? Or are you just taking a break?

  36. I looked it up and the Fair Housing Act is what prevents discrimination based on ESAs but hotels are not covered by that. They can make the distinction between ESAs and Service Animals, as they do in this particular hotels policies I looked up and they only allow dogs and they have to be service animals.

  37. Ideally if you get a motel you just don’t tell them. Good luck to you.

  38. Also Texas can’t legally kick out a service animal if you have proof.

  39. I can honestly say I have never met someone who is as anxious as me. Ketamine brought me peace for the first time in my life. But that was only during infusions so make of that what you will …

  40. Did you have anxiety during infusions?

  41. Of course I’m out of town on this day. Was the sky actually black? Or was it just a good camera effect?

  42. A BPD person is capable of being positive to answer your post title. But it sounds like this is an unhappy and unhealthy relationship and this is not the one.

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