1. What do you get out of involvement in your local IRL kink community? Or why do you avoid it? How much social bandwidth does it take up for you and how does that impact your social life?

  2. We are still part of our local community but ain't active. We used to be very active before we got our kid but we rarely have any alone time without her. So attending parties have not been a priority.

  3. Angel, if you hadn't already known everyone before the kid showed up, would you be able to be as engaged the few times you do attend a year? Or would it just be to difficult to make those friendships now?

  4. It might, because we just don't have the time to come and help out anymore. It was always a good way to get to know people by helping set up playspaces or host parties.

  5. I usually have a lot of time on my hands. It is one of the best things about not working, I get to focus on my family instead. I think my kid and my Master gets about 90% of my energy, so there ain't usually alot left. I do have to prioritize what I use energy on so I try to make sure I won't burn out, because my kid needs a mommy that ain't in bed 24/7. Not working at all makes this possible for me even with a hyperactive kid. I usually feel lucky about having all the time in the world.

  6. How much do your dynamic impact your everyday life and things like eating habits, sleep, and taking care of yourself?

  7. Roses: Life is perfect, things seem to all go as they should and it is even sunny and warm here:) Our summer vacation started this week even if we did have two trips right before summer vaca. My goal for this summer is relaxing and having fun. It is always good to check a bit out from our everyday life and just try to relax. Going to my aunt's cabin by the fjords next week to just relax and have some time with them. See if we can get over to Gulating (old viking sermonial ground) it is pretty cool and my Master and kid has not been there before.

  8. Roses: spent so time in Wales and London this week:) Lots of fun, good food and seeing new places. Got to visit with our kid's new school which was great. They really seem like a great place for her. She enjoyed visiting and charmed them with her language skills. I am glad she is able to speak two languages and we will be teaching her writing in both English and Norweigan. She will be getting a school uniform and everything will be sorted out for us when we get there in September.

  9. Punishment ain't fun, because my Master knows that I enjoy pain. So instead he will take away my things or put me early to bed. Like could I not just have a spanking...

  10. Roses: We made it to Wales:) it was a long day traveling but lovely to get here. We also have a hotellsuit with panoramic views over the city which is nice. We did already found a bunch of stores and a local restaurant which we loved. We also found my Master's university, so we know where that is located.

  11. Yayyy congratulations! Moving is so hard and you've done a huge part of it!. I hope your kiddo's school visit goes well.

  12. Yeah, our school visit went well:) So only thing left is finding a apartment to rent.

  13. The vulnerability of giving over total control to someone else and the inner strength it takes to do that.

  14. I love being home and doing nothing especially sitting on our balcony and do nothing.

  15. We do usually go to viking marked which is lots of fun and both me and my Master is pretty interested in that time. Our kid also needs to learn about our history and she always gets too many lessons from me. I tend to forget that she is 6 years old. I also tend to get a bit over excited about stuff I find interesting.

  16. I love fear play, to me do I think this is very much connected with me being a emotional masochist. Like let's play with my mind and see what happens. I find it interesting when my mind really want something like let's play with breath play or needles and then see how long it takes for my body to start resisting.

  17. Roses: Life is back to its more slow pace. Our kid had her first performance in kindergarten yesterday for all the parents and kids. So cute <3

  18. Roses: the two last weeks have just gone too quickly.

  19. Roses: Everything is more or less ready for our wedding.

  20. My Master has full authority when it comes to my medical record and can call and consent to treatments for me. In my case is it very helpful as I have alot of anxiety towards hospitals, doctors, nurses and anyone in uniform. So the likelihood of me having panic attacks, meltdowns or going mute is very high. The problem with this is that I can't actively consent to treatments when this happens which is where my Master will speak for me.

  21. Roses: Life is perfect<3 I am actually getting a tan and I almost got all my applications ready. Our wedding is mostly coming together, we forgot to buy tablecloths so we need to fix that next week. Leaving things to last moment is kind of typical for us๐Ÿ˜‚

  22. School applications... Like there is only soo many one can fill out before it is just too much. At least are we getting there, only a little more to fill out before mine and our kid's is done and hopefully will be sendt off before our wedding and honeymoon.

  23. Oooooooo wedding!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  24. Thanks, Yeah, my MIL kind of insisted that we had a wedding party. At least we are running off the day after for our honeymoon๐Ÿ˜‚

  25. Roses: both my weddingrings are here and they look perfect together:)

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