1. For fuck's sake, won't some proper, responsible adult talk that poor child into an abortions, it would best for everyone involved, including the incest spawn.

  2. Not an incest baby because it wasn’t her father, and it’s her choice. Her virginity was already taken from her without her consent, you think taking more decisions away from her is good for her mental health?😂

  3. To have mental health first you should have physical one. A 14 year old is not PHYSICALLY safe to carry a child to term and give birth, ffs. She's a damn child. PHYSICALLY. Once birth tears her up and she starts shitting through her genitalia, she'll realize she made a mistake, but by then it'd be too late. And don't suggest c-section at me, that's hardly any safer method to deliver FOR A CHILD.

  4. You can also use an actual cooler if you have one already. That’s what I did until I could get the cooler bags and it got approved.

  5. actually sari's don't have a religious connotation in india. even christians wear them over there.

  6. The show is Canadian, so I feel they probably had more involvement in making sure things were represented as well as possible. I’ve noticed the same with other Canadian tv.

  7. Expect, she clearly liked Zig in season 14, and he wasn't exactly popular, nor did he have status

  8. I always thought that he may held some guilt from the Cam situation as well. Having that guilt and being in a bad neighborhood is not a good combination. Especially when going through puberty.

  9. Those are actually traditional Iroquois Medicne masks and shouldn’t be on tv although you can also google it these days

  10. I don't know, but little homie's got balls I'll tell ya that much.

  11. Ok but she still wouldn't do that, because she knows she wouldn't go without her partner. She knows we don't like that man yet we let him in our house, and she actually has social skills

  12. YTA and the comments make it worse and worse. Op please provide us with even one reason why SIL being a grooms woman still affects you? You don’t want anything to cause you to look back on your wedding with bitterness, but what about the groom? You don’t think stopping his sister from being up there to support him will cause him to look at the wedding(and you) with bitterness in the future?

  13. I see. Intended as a joke then? I feel like I'm missing something.

  14. It’s a one piece swimsuit that makes it look like you have a manly, hairy chest to mess with people. It’s a kind hearted joke in support of OP.

  15. Still not sure I'm understanding? The humor is in the idea of a woman with a manly appearance?

  16. It’s intended to look like the woman is shirtless on top with a man’s chest and swim trunks on. Just to make people do a double take and bring some laughter to the situation.

  17. Not at all, their one person out of thousands, are you saying a trans person can't be wrong?

  18. I’m saying that if multiple trans people are stating you are incorrect then you likely are. No matter your research, trans people are the only ones who truly know what trans people experience. Multiple have stated menstruation stops after a certain amount of hormones. You continue to discredit.

  19. Only 10% of art school graduates make a living in their field. Google it. TEN. PERCENT. That means an art degree is a bust for 9 out of every 10 art students. Aka, horrendous waste of time and money.

  20. This. I live super dry place, it gets over 40Cs in summer, yet doesn’t feel as deathly hot as humid places that reach record highs. Humid places with high heat that’s uncharacteristic is usually fatal especially to very old and sick people.

  21. I live in a place that usually gets super hot, but with low humidity. So as someone with “mild” asthma, this humidity has caused me to not be able to breathe if I am outside longer than a few minutes. Yet, the temperatures are the same as they always are.

  22. Seriously?!? Wtf is wrong with the American school system?!?

  23. Even if you receive sex Ed here, they mostly just teach abstinence. And that if you marry a virgin there’s no way you’ll ever develop an STD. I got kicked out of sex Ed class for pointing out that some people are born with HIV, so even if they’re a virgin you could still be infected.

  24. I’d like to offer a possible solution as opposed to a judgment, but YTA. She is trying to be responsible for her actions. She clearly understands she made a mistake. BUT if possible, I think homeschool would be a magnificent idea. In most areas, if a student decides to finish their senior year through homeschooling, it can be arranged for them to still attend all the fun senior activities with her class(senior breakfast,prom,walking across the stage, etc.) This will allow your daughter to get her high school diploma, not need child care from you, and still get to enjoy those important moments of senior year with the class she has grown up with). It’s definitely something to consider. Also maybe make sure your 14 year old has proper sex Ed and access to birth control so this doesn’t happen again? Just a thought.

  25. Finally someone I can agree with. when I was in school I’d send myself to the principle all the time. I’d get up and say I’m going to mr barksdale, you can call him or email if you want him to hear your side of the story and just leave. The teacher can’t do anything, sending you there is their most powerful move and you took it away. The principle realized I was in a desperate situation i needed out of and he work with me instead of disciplining. Screaming fuck off is never going to achieve anything in any situation. She got overloaded and chose her reaction, she should be punished for that choice, not the situation.

  26. Yeah, I tried to do this once and got slapped in the face by my teacher. Some teachers will use force and I guarantee this young girl has enough experience to be able to tell when someone is an aggressor. She did a beautiful job using a tact of shock and intimidation to remove herself from an unsafe situation.

  27. Really depends on when his dad purchased the properties. In some places if the property is obtained prior to the marriage then it's not a part of the martial assets and thus does not automatically go to the surviving spouse. Or sometimes if their assets are kept seperate throughout the marriage then again surviving spouse does not retain the rights to deceased spouse's property. If this was the case she should have looked at the legality of it and or discussed it with her husband prior to his passing. She might have gotten into the marriage with the understanding that none of her husbands property could be retained upon separation, maybe she thought that only meant divorce but some places it's also the case in death and the surviving spouse didn't research it so they are surprised. Always best to check the laws when getting married so you don't lose out on what you might consider financially fair.

  28. Your whole post makes no sense at all. What’s the point of changing the locks and then giving them the new keys if you want them out? Why was your mother yelling at you if you gave them the new keys?

  29. OP changed the locks so he could have access to his own house again. And the mother is clearly mad because she is losing control of her happy ever after fantasy now that OP is taking his property back, as he should.

  30. Sorry but yta. Your friend lied by omission to his fiancé about your relationship. Of course she’s going to be uncomfortable. You have done nothing to alleviate her concerns. The dynamic of your relationship is changing. He’s getting married. You need to back off and show that from here on out your friendship is just that. She needs space from you. If you are about continuing your friendship you need to back away and wait till she is comfortable to proceed. Otherwise you either going to loose a friend or be the cause of a breakup.

  31. She is going on a vacation involving her own blood family. She is def nta. If a woman ever tried to tell me I couldn’t go on vacation with my family and close family friends, I would throw hands. Just because fiancée is insecure does not mean she gets to walk all over other peoples personal decisions.

  32. Okay don’t go insulting other people. I get how long she’s known them but she also needs to understand her being in that family is weird. They don’t have a sibling relationship, that ended when they had sex. She’s clearly stepping on the fiancés toes and the threats show that she feels she is a higher priority to the family. She is not. If she wanted a big happy family maybe don’t date and sleep with family members?

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