1. Added/bought some light "guards" for my chihiros wrgb2. Also battling with some algae (brown algae? help wanted!)

  2. Thanks for the tip! Will be sure to shoot more angles in the future!

  3. Sick tank! Any issues with the CPDs eating the shrimpies? And what are the small catfish looking things? Thanks!

  4. Thanks! None at all, the shrimps breed like crazy! Those are bristlenose babies from my big tank. Just growing them out for now :)

  5. “Nano” 🙄 I think he is not using the word the way he is supposed to be

  6. Its 36 liters without stones and substrate. 60x30x20 cm

  7. Looks good - just an FYI, in due time, the sand will level out through the tank

  8. There is 19L of aqua soil in filter bags under the sand 👍🏻

  9. 22 Rummynose tetras, 11 Cardinal tetras, about 10-12 Corydora Julii, 1 ”siamese algae-eater”, 3 brown Ancistrus and one rainbow shark!

  10. Thanks! I am well aware, he is a rescue from a friends crashed tank (lone survivor!) and he will soon swim with his own kind again! Thanks!

  11. Stupid question but how will it get oil now? Great looking bike btw I love the blue color.

  12. I'll add about 2% of oil in the fuel. It's a single cylinder 2-stroke so same sort of engine as your chainsaw (where you also add oil to the fuel!)

  13. Looks mint! Is this restored or did you have it in a garage for its entire life?

  14. No I was born when this one was 15 years old. I have restored it and painted all the chrome that was in terrible condition. And also rebuilt the frame on the rear.

  15. Honesty. Towards myself, and my close ones.

  16. It sure is! 200L, 22 rummynose tetras, 11 cardinals + 1 molly(just visiting due to a rescape of their tank) - and the six corys :)

  17. I said this aloud and my furniture started floating

  18. Sounds like something out of Harry Potter, doesn't it?! :D

  19. How big is that tank, do you find you have issues with your rainbow shark at all? I'm looking to get one but I hear they can be quite aggressive.

  20. Snyggt jobbat! Jag klickade över 100 dagar igår!

  21. Fastighetsskötsel är ju hett, robotarna tar inte buskarna ännu.. Edit; Glömde nämna lönen! Men ett sommarjobb på 17-18000 är ju bra!

  22. everytijme I purchase KZ-chifi I am pleasently surprised :) I've bought about 6 pairs of "iem" KZ-brand iems, and not once was I dissapointed (sound>price).

  23. Beautiful! Less is more, and I love it! Have you decided the stocking?

  24. I’ve come back to this a few times, and have come to the conclusion that the stark white substrate is one of the things that makes this a showstopper. The fish, with apparent urgent desire to arrive SOMEWHERE in a hurry, as well as the red dots visible at their noses, adds to the charm. The rocks are great, too. To borrow a phrase,”You did good!” Very good, indeed. One of the appeals is the stark colors.

  25. Beautiful tank, congrats my friend. May it bring you many hours of peace.

  26. Thank you! It already brings me alot of peace and joy. TMI but I am a sober alcoholist and this hobby really keeps me on the right path - the added bonus is the fish are just gorgeous to look at.

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