1. Joining the discord for a hobby vs joining the sub for a hobby

  2. I can help, we are in the same state :) I’ll Dm ya

  3. I'm in South Louisiana and looking to start a permaculture garden, any advice would be appreciated

  4. You must be further north than me Im 9b…for you to be in zone 8b. This is a very broad statement here but…my advice to you is to 1st observe how water moves off your property. Optimally store it at the high point, so you can use gravity to irrigate your stuff. 2nd observe the sun and how it moves over your land….i.e. planting the taller trees on the north side as to not shade out other stuff…find your microclimates. 3rd I’d identify my “zones” of use…zone 1 being places you go daily…

  5. Well I am not OP, I am in 9a. I just happened upon your comment looking for info online lol. Mind you I didn't know what that meant until after I saw this comment as I am fresh to gardening. All of your info is appreciated. Our property has 2 treelines going north-south and east-west on the perimeter that already have a good amount of mulberry trees, 1 or 2 sugar berry trees, an pecan tree, and a good amount of blackberry bushes. As well a sugar cane field is just behind our property. Given we already have all that going on I was looking for good ways to integrate smaller crops near the tree line. Again thanks for the advice

  6. The 2 categories are more like did IPhones come out big before or after you finished high school

  7. Get your friend to make a smurf until you get more time in the game. You're probably just gonna get smoked playing with someone above level 30

  8. You see cheating in smite a lot more when you are on a newer account, but it still isn't often as the "it's cheating every time someone frame skips" gang would have you believe

  9. "wow what a review bomb, so what the game crashed on you 3 times in those 30 minutes and you barely get 20 fps ever, you should just force yourself to eat the slop until your opinion matters"

  10. My comment didn't address people complaining about crashes or optimization, even in the slightest. Moreover, the point in the game most are complaining about performance is in the first city, which you do not reach until at least over an hour in. If you don't like the game or have issues, you are entitled to leave a bad review for your bad experience. The reviews are pretty obviously filled with people who bought it just to leave a bad review and refund though

  11. Okay just say "I'm clueless" next time. Denuvo is part of why the performance is bad. You think people are review bombing because you have no clue what they are talking about. You not understanding things doesn't make their opinion less valid.

  12. Game went from mostly negative to mixed, almost 20% higher player reviews since launch and Capcoms highest concurrent player count all time on steam. Review score on steam is gonna keep going up. Game got review bombed, mald more

  13. Is it as barren as it looks? Or did it just look like that because of the time of year?

  14. As someone who knows a lot about anatomy but not a lot about making models:

  15. Either elden ring or uncharted series based on what you are in to. Haven't played Alan wake 2. Bioshock is an old game and plays like an old game. TLOU is better as a TV show, gameplay is ass

  16. Have been playing the game and not had any issues. Feels like a review bomb. Have been running the game 3440x1440 on a 6950xt and had virtually no stuttering. I even have ray tracing on, which I generally can't run in all but the most optimized games. As well, most of the negative reviews are not deep enough in to the game to even see if the mtx effect them. Shit, I have multiple hours played and haven't had microtransactiobs pushed at me a single time.

  17. Not unique to the video game industry. Seeing this shit in healthcare, where I work, is so disheartening as it leads directly to awful patient outcomes.

  18. Same, I had to step away. I would rather be poor, can't keep seeing it

  19. The last of us part 1 and 2. The gameplay was ass. TV show much preferred

  20. Seems like the most popular brand is the one that requires the most tinkering. If you spend a bit more you can get something that more often just works

  21. EA let both of Respawns 2 prior games die to hacking and didn't do anything about it. Only way they do something is if they get sued over it

  22. I just get elegooo pla plus off Amazon. Its like 15 a roll and does the job

  23. The last of Us gameplay was ass, tv show was better than the game. It deserved to lose

  24. There are articles about how to get your pla to compost at home such as this one

  25. I ran cross country all through middle school up to my sophomore year of high school (early 2018), and I want to get back into it, I tried this today and breathing was not as hard as he said it would be, 20 breaths at the top seemed more than enough. Should I increase weight or decrease breaths? 

  26. Increase weight slightly more than likely. It should be at least hard at that point. Decreasing breathes could work too, but how your comment reads I think more weight.

  27. You might be surprised at how much regularly getting some exercise would get you

  28. Once you mine them out of the ground stop hitting them. You carry it after that. If you want to move a bunch at one time you basically need a motorcycle

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