1. Gives you GPS. Handy for navigating in normal circumstances. Essential for pilots of small aircraft.

  2. Angry, resentful, working class New York Irish guy, spouting off on his barstool…a classic performance from Peter Boyle.

  3. High wit on a low budget: Choose Me.

  4. The 2017 10.5 inch Pro has been a workhorse, no compelling reason to upgrade. Except, it’s unreadable in the open air. OLED, here I come. M4, AI, Pencil Pro… who knows what value awaits?

  5. Leslie Neilsen had only ever done dramatic roles before Airplane!

  6. Lloyd Bridges. Robert Stack. Totally clowning around. And, most outrageously, Peter Graves.

  7. Legally you have any option you like. You could swear your oath on a copy of the Constitution. You could do it on the torn page of a Denny's menu. You could do it on a DVD copy of Showgirls. You could also do it on nothing and simply affirm vs swearing an oath:

  8. Pierce’s Secretary of War was Jefferson Davis.

  9. I'm not sure I've heard the name Edgar since Edgar the Bug alien from Men in Black.

  10. That's a bad green blob. Actors with light complexions will look dead as they pass through center screen. Likely, there is some logo burnin, too.

  11. Back in 1944 the Supreme Court put an entire race of people into internment camps with the Korematsu decision. They were never on your side.

  12. The executive order was in 1942. The case reached the Supreme Court in 44.

  13. My 10.5” 2017 works fine; I just can’t read the screen in the sun. OLED to the rescue.

  14. They didn't even have copy/paste or the ability to drag one cell down to another. I was born in the right timeframe. I would lose my mind trying to keep the math right.

  15. In Taiwan, it's the melody played by garbage trucks as they cruise the neighborhoods.

  16. Condition "Fair" would be a nonstarter for me, personally.

  17. Homeowners in Niles. Called them at 8:25AM with a no heat complaint. They installed a new inducer motor by 9:30, charged 480.

  18. That works out to 11 people dying per day, every day, for the entirety of the US's participation in WWII.

  19. To be clear, that is during training, in the US, before they got to combat.

  20. It’s a couple of weeks until the new iPad Pro models are available. Wait a bit. Maybe the new models will be compellingly superior for your intended application; maybe prices for used iPads will plummet.

  21. Not sure, it’s not very noticeable unless I have a yellow static background

  22. Green blob, bad case. Shows up as white performers move across the screen: in the center, they look corpse-like. For lots of content, say nature or travel/scenery shows, you don't notice it.

  23. Choose Me. Offbeat, clever dialog, the talented cast has lots of fun with their material.

  24. Saginaw Bay is a meteor crater from an impact whose icy debris created the Carolina Bays. A bunch of oval shaped ponds along the east coast whose oval points all point at Saginaw Bay.

  25. Turns out, North America is peppered with impact craters. There is one just North of O’Hare Airport, 5 miles wide. As is usually the case, the ice ages wore it down and filled it in. The Chesapeake Bay meteor hit water, made a crater 50 miles across.

  26. Optimal scheduling is an NP-Complete problem which means it will never be fully solved (short of brute forcing every combination) and new algorithms are constantly developed to address it.

  27. What happens in practice is that the scheduler bounds the problem, specifies appropriate constraints, then computes a satisfactory solution to the bound problem. Timetabling, rostering…constraint logic programming makes short work of such problems these days.

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