1. Owtons butchers are decent. Raw milk, no idea. Contact a dairy farm

  2. You don’t know what you’re talking about. DRS can’t be liquidated you plank. Twattish title, twattish content.

  3. Shares borrowed exactly every 16 minutes for 2 hours? You telling me that’s not algorithm controlled?!!!! Check Stonkotracker for proof

  4. If you want to see the biggest ‘I told you so’, visit gme meltdown sub this morning. They’ll be DRSing this morning

  5. ‘SVB was deliberately targeted to be the fall guy for a market crash, where the underlying is actually all the bullet swaps not being rolled over, change my mind’

  6. Bbby tomorrow to ride the massive FTD closure ramp. Prepared for disappointment

  7. Now tell me HKD is not a pump for collateral whenever they need it.

  8. yes, while on reg sho shorting isn't allowed of a stock (they still do it by just "accidentally" mislabeling their shorts as longs, but it does make it harder and more risky).

  9. Also it’s on SSR which got triggered yesterday, but historically with GME it’s meant fuck all.

  10. There’s absolutely fuck tonnes of money to be made in a branded kids character. Peppa Pig, kids tv character, has its own theme park in Hampshire UK. Kids go absolutely bananas over Peppa Pig. Teddy………..

  11. She’s angry, and on it. Just need one whistleblower to speed things up.

  12. Towel stick looking to sell assets. Will the RC tinfoil come true!

  13. Now it’s all gone. Only on gme mind. Towel and popcorn no problem

  14. If you own Anthonychukumba.com, he’s currently offering (on LinkedIn) 1,000,000 Terra Coins for it!

  15. Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant.

  16. This guy said ‘sell now ask questions later’ regarding GME stock. He has repeatedly bashed gme, this is perfect Karma, and it would be 👌 if a Superstonk ape has that domain, or RC for that matter.

  17. Shirley High Street, AKA The Mutant Mile is a sight to behold.

  18. Yesterday it ran from this time onwards. Here’s to another run today 🙏

  19. Putts are back showing on Stonkotracker. 687000 out of the money atm.

  20. I was looking at Towel stock sorry 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  21. OP they’re all back showing. Nothing has been rolled over!

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