1. I’m embarrassed that I’m reading all the comments and they seem normal to me

  2. TikTok has been instrumental in keeping the people especially the youth informed of Israel's war crimes, and we've all seen how far the Dems are willing to go to keep Israel happy, whatever the fuck their reasoning is.

  3. Dont do it. I did it twice and relapsed twice.it was horrible and I was sick as a dog. I finally tapered off of suboxone and it was way easier.

  4. You are like the lone voice in all these threads saying it was horrible (and you’ve actually done it).

  5. I just want to state again that it was a waste of money. After the procedure I was still mega sick. I had terrible withdrawals immediately after I woke up. It cost me $8000. $8000 completely wasted

  6. Can I ask what you were coming off of, and how much? I’ve seen mostly amazing reviews but then there are some like yours indicating the opposite.

  7. Dude this sub is so full of shit like, who is making half a million in a fucking trade at age 31? Maybe if you own the business and expanded it — but don’t say “trade” then. Say “business owner”.

  8. NVDA 770P expiring yesterday went from $6 to $1050 ish. For example

  9. It is deiving me crazy how people are writing the prices now.

  10. And not just Nu Metal; stuff like “99 Problems” by Jay-Z has a hard rock guitar. The Beastie Boys’ album “License to Ill” features a lot of rock guitar. Same producer, in fact.

  11. Now these are the kind of posts that annoy me. Acting as if your way of spending and "LIVING" should apply to everyone else. Not everyone cares about huge houses, exotic cars, watches, golf, etc etc. If you want to read about people's lavish lifestyle and exorbitant spending, maybe the FAT subreddits would be better for you.

  12. It’s not that at all. It’s this wierd smugness that is in all the threads is all. My quarrel is with the mortage one , where people straight up tell others it’s bad to have a high mortage even when they make a ton .

  13. Isn’t an almost haven barrel sauna damn near this exact price?

  14. Social media is damaging to everyone and porn has existed since they drew cocks on walls thousands of years ago.

  15. Holy shit are you just, purposefully always writing the worst comments in this sub?

  16. You seriously don’t see how the access to infinite amounts of porn for all ages might be different than that of some ass cheeks molded into some cave dirt a thousand years ago?

  17. Having an active AI agent in a chat space is something I’ve been looking forward to for years. If it can learn from the conversation and can remember who said what and when and form a thesis around the why, and attribute those things to a person, and build identity repositories for everyone….oh boy.

  18. I find it odd how supportive many are the …. Fucking insane Islamic shit we are seeing .

  19. This isn’t a downturn at all. Get offline — the real world is kinda doing pretty alright

  20. Get offline. Seriously . Reddit is causing this, as is the news and everything else designed to enrage, scare, and keep you hooked.

  21. Have you ever done it? It has legit real benefits . It’s so drastic; you haven’t done it yourself otherwise you wouldn’t be shitting on it

  22. As soon any someone starts talking about placebo with plunging you can almost GUARANTEE that they dont use it😂

  23. Yeah wtf? Plunging is among the most real of all the things mentioned to help your mind

  24. Apartheid State murders brown people with impunity. But they have a pride parade, so it's ok.

  25. How are they more violent than the IDF? Lol there is no way you could put forth a serious argument that Muslims are more violent than extremist Jews that run Israel over the past 75 years.

  26. How can you honestly say that of any religious extreme, Islam doesn’t have the most violent ?

  27. Actually yes, I don't have the disease in my body anymore after surgery, but the very first flare I had as a young teenager happened after a few months of high emotional stress in my interpersonal relationships, and one happened last year after a month of severe emotional stress. Stress is a huge endo trigger.

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