1. Are you all getting flat enough sprs to justify this? Am I crazy? I'm the heaviest route in my station and most days I have maybe 2 sprs I would be comfortable casing in. Freak behavior

  2. Same with the Aldi sardines. These things are cheap as hell and they taste it.

  3. You pretty much need to suck it up until you're off probation and then just call in sick for appointments.

  4. The free version of Cronometer has worked great for me the last 7 years.

  5. I put them in the freezer for a bit (maybe 20 min, sometimes longer) I want them near frozen but not quite. And then get a good crust and immediately flip.

  6. Where would be a good place to find a working pocket watch? I've looked on both Etsy and eBay but prices seem cheaper than I would expect so I'm unsure

  7. Do we have any further information on the situation? Sounds like a legal adult left their home and doesn't want to be found. Says they left without their medication, that could be anything

  8. I will say as a USPS worker please just follow the laws of traffic, I hate when people give me the right of way when it's not my turn you are going to cause an accident 🥶

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