1. I guess all old evil white men look alike 😆

  2. Why are you worried about 2028? I don't see any 2028 candidates that scare me.

  3. She'd probably shoot a cat too probably any animal. Probably a lot of people too.

  4. I mean if one eats animals generally is there really a different just because its an indoor animal.

  5. Dogs are pets... if you can't train them to hunt you don't shoot them.

  6. So, Trump dropped out of the race due to Governor Noem's animal cruelty incident?

  7. Is this scenario and timeline. They would have died on my 24th birthday which would be quite a downer. How disrespectful of them to die on my birthday! 😆

  8. A new series I've created. I hope you enjoyed

  9. Seems good, I'd just recommend slowing the shots down. They seem to change a bit too fast to give an eerie vibe or to be taken in by the viewer. When I played it at 0.5x-0.75x speed it seemed a lot better.

  10. Tell all your friends, share this around and maybe Papa will make more visits in the future.

  11. Damn boy, you did a good job. It feels like some 80s-90s movie, which for an analog horror is impressive.

  12. That's the goal. It's 1980s slasher meets 2020s found footage film. Most of this footage is also shot with a camera from 1988 too.

  13. I bet President Biden out lives Trump by at least 5 years or more

  14. 70s/80s possible early 90s. Love how big collar is!

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