1. Unplug everything. “There, I fixed it.”

  2. 🙅 The horrors of industrialized war

  3. The interaction of the water against them is pretty interesting, rippling on her while pushing against him.

  4. It's made from AI. OP has informed in the caption that it was made from Pixai.art .

  5. There doesn't seem to be anything for the Align Horizontal commands to do. All of the color bars reach the sides of the canvas, so they're all aligned. (These commands only check the outer extent of the layers. It cannot align any of the blanked areas in the center. You'll need to split those up into different layers for each side, or find some other way to cut into your solid bars if that is what you started with.)

  6. It’s crazy that in the pre-internet age, every parent on earth somehow conspired to tell this lie.

  7. The fire will burn the direction that the wind blows it. I assume how it works is they make a small fire break and then drop these close to that fire break on the upwind side. This will create a fire that isn't big enough to jump the fire break but eats up enough fuel that by the time the big fire gets there, it's unable to jump the break as well. It saves a ton of time and labor, making large fire breaks. I could be talking out my butt though.

  8. Could make for a fun game. You, a landscape, fire, buncha tools, and tons of unknown variables.

  9. But online and offline modes can coexist. There is no need to sacrifice one or the other.

  10. Except when all the processing is done on distributed servers.

  11. dayum i can’t believe i was able to tell this was AI.

  12. Knowing that it’s AI now, there are some strange things going on:

  13. Idk why they ditched BFV’s awesome movement system for 2042’s choppy, ass movement system. Dumb.

  14. Quite a few nice features that didn’t carry over from the previous title, kind of like they were all developed independently of each other.

  15. The fact it happens at a random and unexpected time really messes you up.

  16. Had to help one of my friends decramp as we were swimming in a lake. Thankfully, we were on shore or we both would’ve drowned.

  17. I mean, after BF1 i was set to skip BFV. The fast TTK, the removal of 3d spotting, attrition, FORTIFICATION and the beautiful graphics won me over.

  18. It’s a video game not a corporate meeting. Tossing the word innovate around means nothing

  19. Still, it helps when the game brings new gameplay features along with its setting. BF2 Modern Combat and Bad Company were all about polishing the experience for console, the latter adding Destruction. BF3 brought full scale Frostbite back to PC. BF4 had Levolution, and made improvements to networking. BF1 pushed Frostbite’s rendering further (unified lighting and atmosphere). BFV had a wide variety of soldier customizations.

  20. They moved him over to Lypht

  21. Unrealistic: a new era to portal (personal wish: bf1) with at least 2 guns being brought to aow from the get go with 2042 accessory compatibility.

  22. I would expect the beta to be ended once Adobe has gathered what they needed from it, removing it from use.

  23. Is it Fukang shiny, or is Fukang light passing through it?

  24. Don't exactly have time to think of a better way when a baby's about to get shot, you know.

  25. They're also students. Not sure what sort of perfect defense OP is expecting here.

  26. They seem to be too stupid to just grab n go.

  27. Granted. But now you need some other way to sideline the kids or Ageha doesn't get to solo the Ranborg.

  28. Nice art, but I still have a gripe. The twin SMGs added nothing useful as they are. I would change them to fire in different directions, such as the current direction and the last one pressed.

  29. Maybe someday we'll get back our battlewalkers to stomp through city centers.

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