1. I also have a basking lamp and no heating mat because a lot of people have said not to use them. I’ve never seen her bask before so it makes me think she needs more heat?

  2. Yes . My boy loves to sit on top of my head or on my ponytail

  3. the picture is taken really close up but she is really young so she’s still pretty small!

  4. One time i had my girl on my shoulder and had to pee and didn’t want to put her back in her enclosure so i took her with me, well as soon as my stream hit the toilet water she freaked out and jumped from my shoulder and fell right into the garbage can next to the toilet. She was fine, thankful she didn’t go into the toilet. Now i don’t pee with my gecko on my shoulder.

  5. This! THANK YOU! I’ve been wracking my brain with the best way to do this where no one is put on the spot or in an awkward position. I can’t exactly just decline the invitation without a reason especially after we were discussing it the other day.

  6. Crocheted join! There are lots of different types, even some simple enough for the crochet-challenged joke me.

  7. In the end, Rey should have said “Rey Palpatine” because it could have been an opportunity for her to bring new meaning to the name now that she knows who she is. Also, just because her grandfather was the ULTIMATE evil does not mean her parents were, so why not carry that name too? I’d love to hear what others think.

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