1. Your tank looks great and I love your fish combo. For the algae, a magic eraser will remove it with one swipe. However, you have to make sure to get one without any cleaner in it and rinse it would throughly before putting it in your tank. Snails will help with algae but I personally would not add one to your tank. You already have two fish in a five gallon which is already pretty close to overstocked. Also snails will clean some algae but they usually aren’t able to clean algae off of glass. They are great for hair algae though. A great way to reduce algae is just giving your tank a few less hours of light.

  2. Oh, I didn't know that light was a factor for algae. How long do you think I should keep the light on?

  3. Boje se da ćeš se ti ponašati prema njima onako kako se oni ponašaju prema ženama.

  4. Odgojila sam 3 rottweilera. Sve do jednog najveće maze koje nebi muhu zgazile. Nikada ni zarežali nisu. Sve je u dresuri i vlasniku. I nije 99% agresivnih, nego je 1%. Ali se za tih 1% najviše čuje. I mali psi su većinom agresivni i neizdresirani Ali pošto su mali ne naprave nikakvu štetu, jos je njihovim vlasnicima to "slatko" kako laju i sve napadaju. I onda ih još šeću bez lajne. Napadnu mog psa, i sva sreća tom malom neodgojenom psu što je moj izdresiran i neće uzvratiti udarac. Ali ja hoću.

  5. https://www.etsy.com/shop/ElegantGownStore?ref=yr_purchases

  6. I am looking at ordering from them, but I am terrified of it being dropshipping. Can you send me any pictures or something? I don't have a lot of money so the decision is very scary to me, but I have to order because qhere I live everything is freaky expensive

  7. Hi, did you order from them or get an answer? I am currently looking at them too

  8. If the objective is to kill the enemy ground troops before you advance, you need air bursts, not only because you would kill more troops, but also because you would be able to advance over the territory without major immediate damage to your troops. They will have cancer several years later, but you would win by then. If however your objective is to prevent enemy troops from advancing at whatever cost, you would prefer an underground explosion that would create a massive area of heavy niclear contamination. Enemy soldiers would carry contaminated soil on the soles of their boots, on the tracks, and it would keep killing them even after they left the area. Of course your people would have to avoid the area, and stil will be getting lung cancer from all the radioactive dust floating around, but you would not lose the war.

  9. Baš je uočljiva razlika, pogotovo u zadnjih par mjeseci. Ne znam koji je razlog iza toga, ali mi se čini kao sve veći problem.

  10. Ja krivim Andriju Tatića i nisko samopouzdanje njegovih pratitelja

  11. Andrija Tatić (i slični) je više sindrom nego uzrok. Mene zanima zašto moderni muškarci imaju tako nisko samopouzdanje?

  12. Da, nikada nije bilo lakše za obje strane. Mislim da si dosta njih u glavi -umisli- kako ih žene omalovažavaju. Onda opet s druge strane stvarno danas je lakše nego ikada biti glasan i glup, pa imaš glupače koje pisu kako neće frajera osim ak ne izgleda ovak onak bla bla, i onda zbog te manjine svi misle da su sve žene takve. Not all men Not all women

  13. Wife had a miscarriage a few months ago ... Amazon send us a paper ad with a due date asking if they got it right ... I threw it away before wife saw it 

  14. Good job throwing it away! Gosh that would have killed me

  15. It's a period tracker app that also has a pregnancy mode. But its main function is period tracking. And the game is about some Ottoman reign bs 😆

  16. Isn't she the same girl that said "give an ugly guy a chance and it will go to his head" or something like that?

  17. Ngl. Agree with that one. Happened to me twice. Not a conventionally attractive guy, but was constantly told how "nice" they are. Gave a chance. One turned out to be a sexsist incel who suddenly thought he was the shit and I was nothing. The second one was literally physically abusive.

  18. Uvijek. Točka. Jel bi ti da ti netko da napojnicu za tvoj odrađeni posao?

  19. Gle ja bi ti rekla da je blagi odjeb al ppokušava te odjebati nježno. Ovisno o tome kakva je ona naravno, ja sam imala ljude koje sam odjebala izravbo, i onda ljude koje sam ovako ko ona jer su mi dragi. E sad ak je navlakuša to je druga stvar i nije ok. Nemoj nikome biti rezerva. Iskreno najbolje ti je biti direkltan, ako uspje - super, ako ne - sito super, znaš na čemu si i idemo dalje. Sretno!

  20. I think you should ask you bf about it. Tell him that you feel concerned about your sexlife and ask him about the sites and ask him why he’s been visiting them. Personally, I don’t consider watching porn cheating, but that depends on your guys relationship and what your agreements on such things are.

  21. We are usually very open about porn and even watched some videos together. I was planning on talking to him I just don't know how. This isn't just watching porn, with 12 tabs open...

  22. There isn't much we haven't done. I love sex and I was the one who introduced him to the freaky side of things, before me the poor mad was just doing plain missionary

  23. Just ce to see if there are any updates...none. and Netflix USA now only has OP until ep 325. My autistic as can't listen to high pitched voices and Luffys is a big problem in the jap dub, but I love OP and all this just makes me sad. Off to become a pirate I guess

  24. looks fine honestly, maybe i’d fatten him up just a little, but he does look like a baby.

  25. Okay, I'll work on making him more chubby, thank you!

  26. I am so sorry this happened to you... If you need any stuff, glowing moss etc, let me know, I have a lot

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