1. Should have called EVS. Intern lesson for you. It’s always someone else’s job. Don’t make it yours if it’s not a medical/surgical related issue.

  2. Agreed dude, it gives dorky preteen vibes for sure

  3. Is game design a bad field or something? I was thinking about it-

  4. It’s oversaturated because everyone wants to do it so you’ll be working on lame ass games like a madman, deadline to deadline, low pay, and you won’t be making any interesting decisions for a long time

  5. What people may not take into account, is that high yield also means high risk. Why not put that money somewhere that’s a bit less yield(6-9%/yr) BUT is guaranteed to grow with the stock market, but not fall with it. If you are young( under 22 ) I’d put whatever I can afford to invest into an IUL, if you put 10k in at 22, you could be looking at north of 1.5M when you’re 50. All for just putting the money in and forgetting about it for 30 years.

  6. Yeah you should just delet this lol

  7. No, it’s almost definitely supposed to be Teutonic

  8. Immigrants? My people didn't immigrate here. They were kidnapped and kept as hostages.

  9. Same, but we’re benefitting from their suffering tho. Obviously was terrible but I’m not living in Sudan tbh. I’m not bitter because my life is def better than it would be

  10. Yeah I would stop replying to him too if I were you 😂

  11. I also got upgraded from 60k yesterday to 75k (even though I requested 85k, but no biggie). The associate I spoke with also said they’d make a note on my account. I just sent an SM today to confirm the change and they confirmed that once I reach my spending requirement, they’ll post my 60k bonus + the 15k that I requested.

  12. Reserve is 75k, preferred is 85k as 75k + 10k I believe, where the extra 10k is received from extra criterion of 6k spending in 6 months or so, whereas the 75k is 4k spending in 3 months

  13. Long enough to not use it in an argument about health habits lol

  14. Ableton =/= AI. Feeding prompts into a machine is theft of actual artists, calling yourself an AI artist is embarrassing.

  15. I’d disagree, that’s the same argument boomers use against electronic music. ‘You’re not even playing anything, you’re just letting the computer play the music for you. It’s not real music’. I think the results are the important thing to consider. But if you could do better, too bad you weren’t selected!

  16. You didn’t realize it was AI when all she talks about is her stupid AI shit lmfao

  17. Yeah I read a comment and responded to it, Reddit comments are not that deep lol. Someone’s clearly needing a win to assuage their insecurity 😂😂😂 hope your life gets better bud

  18. Ad reads are kinda intentionally bad for tons of podcasts

  19. That was like the perfect articulation of that sentiment

  20. Just got back from walking around imperial palace, great loop and it’s like two train stops with short transit from akhibara station

  21. Well in his defense, at least he wasn't Jared from subway. Not great either way, but let's get real... Jared was way worse.

  22. You could literally say that about anyone until it converges on hitler lol.

  23. Do you know what his porn watching habits are?

  24. L m a o, you’ve been on Reddit too much 😂

  25. This subreddit only posts shit about gender/sex, weed/psychadelics, inconclusive/highly prospective energy stuff, etc. It’s such garbage, it’s all the same stuff that 15 year olds like.

  26. Perfect username for this comment lmao

  27. This is true. Apologies for the bit of hostility in my comment btw. It wasn’t that serious, just had shit evening. To be quite honest, the card would just be more bragging rights. I probably don’t actually need it.

  28. the dude you're talking to is a little bitch lol. it was kind of you to apologize when you didn't really need to. notice how he didn't assume he did anything wrong, didn't apologize, and patronized you about his perceived shortcoming of yours after you apologized, despite insulting you in the first place. calling a kid stupid because they don't know the nuances of credit cards? like are you kidding me lol.... what kind of respectable adult does that.

  29. The nuance of credit cards? You mean, don’t spend money you don’t have? The stupid part was mostly a joke to go along with my desire to be adopted into their family, but it’s pretty damn stupid to look for $800 in credit card fees when you’re 18. You don’t have to have that explained once you’re a respectable adult.

  30. No, that was stupid to say, full stop. Don’t try to walk back your comment as a joke. You specifically said ‘any other stupid kids’ to imply that he was stupid. If ‘other’ was an accident? Well, be more careful with that or it’ll bite you in the wrong scenario.

  31. Seems like it would be one of those stories where ‘oh it got better for 6 months after therapy and a year or two later he did it again!’

  32. Before this update, I was sterile and unable to reproduce with my spouse. But now with this new update, all of a sudden my wife and I are expecting quadruplets! Thanks Nintendo Switch Update 18.0.1!

  33. Dunkey! Get off Reddit and drop a new video!

  34. lmao no way it was unintentional

  35. He’s got pin point accuracy from both wings whenever he has a target. You can see it any time orange shirt approaches with a weak slice to the middle of the court. Hacker puts more pace on it and passes with ease down the line or into corners. It’s when he has to move that he goes for lobs or more defensive looking shots.

  36. yeah idk i thought orange's worst part of his game from this is the mental part, not about handling frustration but by smart play. this opponent would be easy to run around a lot, that would be the key to winning i think. orange could've won much more easily imo

  37. Thank you all for the recs and suggestions I truly appreciate it! I have a hotel booked in Kyoto and booking my Tokyo one right now just trying to figure out which area to book. I plan on bringing some MRE packets of food from the states in case I get stuck one day without a place to eat im assuming hot water is easy to get from places to add to my packets.

  38. hey dude, not sure if you're already doing this, but you should definitely make a card or a few that clearly lists your dietary restrictions and level of severity, in japanese. maybe a 'please tell me if a dish contains this'. not sure how severe you are, if you can't have foods even prepared in a kitchen that uses gluten, but that would be important to specify too. Try to get someone who's bilingual in japanese and english to confirm it's clear and says what you mean. show that to restaurants, and try to google how other people with celiac's dealt with it/had a failsafe meal they could always get!

  39. Representation aside, the deep grooves are the Toblerone approach where you have a thick bar with less volume because of the empty space within the bar/wrapping. The thick packaging belies the air you're buying.

  40. the air you're buying belies the thick packaging

  41. Meters are shorter, so it would be less than 9 yards

  42. It’s both. Otherwise IMGs wouldn’t have a chance to match.

  43. the narrative i heard was similar where it's basically doctors voting for stagnating residency slots to preserve pay, something like vis a vis the AMA or whatever physician org, but i didn't check into it further. i'm just here for the rumors

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