1. Sounds like the issue is people renting/buying apartments with less carparks than they actually need, making it everyone else's problem.

  2. You can't in one comment state that we need more housing supply and then in another criticise people for living in apartments with less car spaces than they need.

  3. I just did. Underground carparks cost north of 50k each to provide, which gets added on to the apartment purchase cost.

  4. I actually don't give a shit how much it costs developers to build a carpark.

  5. Unreal people are still shitting on Pezza LMAO. You can enjoy the show without being a hater.

  6. Andy is yearning for zinger box with that outfit on

  7. I think a mix of; terminally online and reality tv show enjoyer has infiltrated this sub. They treat people getting eliminated like it’s their own family on the chopping block.

  8. I'll just say, this sub has doubled (that's not an exaggeration) in size in the last couple of years and traffic has increased accordingly. Important thing is to report comments that are overwhelmingly negative or toxic so the mod team can get to them quickly.

  9. I'm going to be that person and say not to let the media attention make your decisions for you.

  10. In season 1 during the second round of auditions there was a vegetarian (or vegan? can't remember), and they had a taste test challenge where they brought out a giant pot of bolognese sauce for everyone to try and guess what was in it. They told her she could just smell it and give it a go, and I remember her being pretty distressed about it.

  11. Honestly, as the mum of a near 4 year old, just wait. Origins has SO much in it that is critical to the story that I wouldn't show a child. Even just some of the enemy designs could be disturbing. You'd be cutting out most of the game. That's doing the game a massive disservice and not really sharing your passion.

  12. People seem so quick to find a villain this season. Pezza's abilities are not on par with the others and the judges seem a bit easy on him sometimes, but him getting through has been a mix of his ability, luck, and maybe the producers--nothing that warrants him getting so much hate. If anything, this episode shows he is trying to go out of his zone and he appears gracious just as the other contestants are toward each other. Even his comments about his family show how much they mean to him despite the backwards humor he's shown.

  13. Every season, the sub finds a villain. Usually women. Moderating the sub during the Laura vitriol was awful.

  14. The situation in Gaza has nothing to do with this sub, and any post about it that is left open turns into an absolute cluster fuck.

  15. i just hope NL starts its own international music show to end the EBU's monopoly might.

  16. I got about two hours sleep and thought it was my sleep deprivation

  17. I’m nipping back in from a break from doomscrolling/spiral and after some time outside in the sun, cathartically listening to Raye’s “Environmental Anxiety” (seriously, she’s the queen of everything, have a listen to her album 🎧❤️) - and do feel at least a little better. 

  18. As someone who sank probably thousands of hours into the Sims 1 over the last 20 odd years, this write up is one of my favourite things I have read recently. Brb going to try meth lab

  19. Man I'll be glad when Summernats is over and I can stop moderating these posts for another year

  20. That’s the message I got from yesterday’s threads.

  21. I actually hate that they're tearing horse Park down for stage 2 of Jacka

  22. Try being an inpatient at the hospital, zoukis is amazing by comparison! But in all honesty I don’t think it’s that bad. Expensive yes, but it’s pretty much on par with the standard at any other cafe chain. Can’t compare with an actual independent cafe

  23. Good lord this. I was a patient at the acacia ward (ie the mental health ward) earlier this year and I would like to joke while I was in there that that food just made me feel more suicidal. It was truly ghastly. Even the mashed potatoes were like clag glue

  24. I'll be honest, the only song of his I know is Yeah

  25. So many worsts so I’m going with best: Daisy Edgar-Jones’s Irish accent in Normal People.

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