1. You are amazing for being able to see that man. It must be so very hard.

  2. I wrote a lot about this. I was given a "hall pass" but that was never me and it almost felt like a slap in the face. No one ever asked me if they could cheat. It's not the same and why would I go and sleep around while trying to maintain a relationship. You will not use my body to alleviate your guilt. I did write about revenge cheating. When the nasty mental movies played in my head I wrote erotic stories about my "revenge". Eventually I wrote enough to where I was like this is it. My affair will he be in the form of publishing this and letting her find out about it Eventually. If she did. It evolved into a story about my wife murdering me with her AP. Still including the sex but things in the story representing what I'd gone through during the whole mess..my goal is to publish next year. Writing this gave me myself and my power back.

  3. "...I want to kick AP's ugly little head off his shoulders or [...] have passionate, no strings attached, meaningless sex with a stranger..."

  4. i lost all my daddy fat (around 10 kg), got ripped and now have a six pack. Early on, i wasnt eating but now i take my nutrition very seriously. Took six months since DDay.

  5. I wonder if this means they have looked at airport CCTV footage, and it didn't look good for Peter's side of the story.

  6. I'm around the same age as you and a few years further along into R though without kids. (many on this sub would think I am crazy for reconciling without kids). Reading your post I wanted to share something that I've worked through with my counselor - maybe its helpful, maybe its not.

  7. What a fantastic comment. Thank you.

  8. It rains, the grass grows. Sometoimes you just don’t have the hours to knock it over more than once a week.

  9. Always one bootlicker in the comments saying this bullshit. Grass grows and local government is suppose to manage it.

  10. i do like that Law and Order hat as well.

  11. I've seen some crazy hoons in my time in Canberra. I'm going to get a dash cam now i know we can submit them.

  12. holy shit! i said that ten years ago. it could work so well!

  13. Foreign ownership is good. it puts money in to the system to build more properties and those owners don't live in them so they stay open for locals.

  14. yeah but if we are going full dictator style, we could also introduce a nice death tax with the money put back into the system. No need for foreigners. All capital growth is locked into residents, recovered via land tax and the death tax.

  15. This is amazing! I’ve been dabbling with the snow connector in azure logic apps but id rather use PowerShell! I had been struggling with REST. Thank you!

  16. i don't think i have even used a single coin.

  17. Jay going crazy with the sound board this week.

  18. "and special guest, Reed Farrrrington..."

  19. there is a lot of talk on reddit but this is a very real and very likely take on how it would actually play out after Putin is toppled (or dies off like Stalin/Lenin/etc). The overwhelming population wouldn't care either way.

  20. No I only received emails saying there were test results added to my profile

  21. There was an accidental mail out of previous results on Monday. I got one as well. You can disregard, unless you are actually expecting new results!

  22. Install the AllTrails application.

  23. A woman who thrust her foot into the chest of a police officer has pleaded guilty to a number of offences she committed while on methamphetamine.

  24. That last paragraph. Hilarious.

  25. Businesses there will hate the disruption, but they really need to tear that street up and make it a one way heading towards Maccas, and using the other lane to create a long row of 45 degree parking.

  26. Holy shit. That was my idea years ago! It’s such a shit show every night, I hate going there and mostly go in the city now.

  27. It was a good sunrise this morning! I took a pic as well

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