1. Talk about polarizing. Half of us think he’s Lou Williams, other half think he’s Devin Booker in the making. I lean towards Lou Williams FYI

  2. Devin Booker is crazy but I used to see CT as a 6MOY candidate. That said I think a career comp (not how he plays) as a Beal / McCollum. Solid players sometimes all stars on a contender. His play making will continue to come along w/ reps.

  3. My only solace in watching the Celtics win the chip (a team we built) is believing this will drive Ime crazy to compete and HTX makes a can’t say no package for Mikal (it won’t happen). Cooper Flagg HTX 2032 finals MVP loading now 😪

  4. It’s beautiful to see the plan which was sold (Competitive team 23-24 —-> land Mitchell —-> Additional 25 star signing or trade for Luka / Giannis) switch too (We suck in 23-24 —-> “Well Trae young is cool” ——> top 2025 signing will be supporting level players which we over pay for)

  5. Somewhat related but I can’t help but to watch this series and think DAL is legit a Mikal away from being competitive/winning.

  6. If I was Kidd I’d be cursing Luka the fuck out on those last two possessions

  7. Building around a 3rd option is like owning a piece of plywood and saying you are building a house. Cool it’s needed but do you have the 100k+ for additional materials?

  8. It’s like saying you want to build around PJ Washington lol

  9. It really pisses me off… especially the whole “oh we are re-tooling” like bro a re-tool is a post KD warriors or post 22 Mavs…. We just suck & we try to paint it as something it’s not.

  10. are the Nets actually talking back or is the Rockets FO just speaking to an open phone line? that’s my question

  11. I think if the Nets gave HTX a very hard no these reports would not still be coming out. I def believe the nets are much more open minded to moving Mikal and going for an organic rebuild than before. That said, they would not do it for just the third pick this year and #3 is the starting point for negotiations.

  12. If (it will be) BOS v DAL I’m 1000000% pulling for mavs… I absolutely hate what went down in BK w/ Kyrie but it’s fuck Boston in my soul

  13. I am SHOCKED that this proposed swap is getting so much pushback. The suns picks are more valuable than ours?! How does that make sense when we control our roster and therefore influence the range of our picks vs. having absolutely no control on what PHX does? Yes, they are in cap hell though there is still a non zero chance they sell on KD + Booker in the future. Doing this swap would also imply us moving Mikal for an additional nice package of picks + young players.

  14. Wonder if it could be a three way trade with HTX where we leverage Knicks “desperation” to get him. I.E sending Randle to HTX w/ NYC picks, Bridges to knicks & our picks, younger player (Green most likely) + filler our way.

  15. I’d assume that this means cavs want to stay competitive, which implies that Mikal would be part of the trade. If we trade Malak my preference would be for our picks back + young players from Houston.

  16. I'm fine with Marks getting fired, but at the end of the day I think Joe Tsai is the real reason this trade didnt happen.

  17. This is probably true. I want Marks fired and I have been on the blowout up bandwagon since the end of last season. That said, Tsai is the owner and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he is pointing the direction (I.E don’t blow it up and remain “competitive”) & marks just executes in that direction.

  18. Dame and Beal had the Nets on their list.

  19. Denver, beautiful basketball and I’m assuming they will have to beat Boston to win it

  20. It was an awful decision but nothing beats billy king Boston trade

  21. After the Kyrie/KD BS I actually wanted Marks to stay only because I know he can turn nothing into something and I expected us to need that.

  22. All 30 fanbases think their coach is a moron who has cost them 6-7 games this season.

  23. The whole “getting rid of the coach” is the lowest hanging fruit

  24. Still going to be @ss with no direction or title contention so whatever #pessimisticNetsFan

  25. Iv’e recently saw a few ER openings at JPM, Cantor & BoA (unsure if these are one of the banks you work for).

  26. Also on the sell side, I personally wouldn’t do it. Assuming you’re at a reputable firm (BB/MM) it’s odd they don’t have access to your reports. Also them looking for your reports to gauge your investment process rather than a case study is crazy.

  27. Complete noon question for someone who hasn’t played comp halo in god knows how long…. What does it seem the settings are different in ranked arena than what Halo Esports had at Fort Worth?

  28. Will be running another 5/3/1 in the beginning of 24’. Just PR’ed 405 squat and 505 deadlift (had ~10 pounds more on each lift). Won’t be attempting a PR till after the program is complete, I’ve found that after hitting a certain weight maxing via AMRAP sets meaningless. I.E don’t think I can hit 365 on deadlift for more than 8 due to grip failing.

  29. People are slowly starting to see the light. Mikal is a decent player but he’s not a #1, he’s a 3&D guy and the Nets need to quit lying to themselves thinking they can turn him into one.

  30. What’s funny is that this exact same post will happen in the next year or two with CT….

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