1. Lance is the new Latifi. I’m guessing this has something to do with L.

  2. Go ahead and add it to your goodreads anyway just for ordering it. Also, you may call it your favorite book on social media sites. You have my blessing.

  3. Btw, who’s in charge of Barca’s bench?

  4. Max might like the challenge. I am dying to see him in any other car just to see how much of his dominance is the car and how much is his skill.

  5. So delayed right? Thought it was only me or something

  6. Oi fuckan bogan cunt yeh fuck ya up glass ya jaw cunt fosters oi fuck glass ya jaw bunnings fuck sausage gonna vote eh I'm gonna glass ya jaw fuckan cunt fuck spider

  7. Thought this was a Scottish mating call until I saw fosters.

  8. TIL that Lewis Hamilton is secretly a Nazi for using the number 44...

  9. Same. Was heavily considering it at $280 as that's a pretty good price and apparenty comes with a free mouse pad! I assume the Elements are also shuckable like the EasyStores?

  10. Maybe they'll be back on sale for world backup day on the 31st

  11. Remember these are kids making these jokes and most are above the age of 20. And of course you'll get rude comments telling you "no one cares bozo" shit like that for having some basic human decency. These people also still joke about 9/11 and will give you any bs excuse why it's ok to do so. 

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