1. I did not expect Jade to bring out all the bloodborne fans but fuck it I’m here for it

  2. jade, fu xuan, sakura from naruto, aphrodite from hades, yae miko, madoka, kofuku from noragami, utena from rgu...... pink hair is a cultural movement 🫡

  3. May I also introduce you to Haruko Haruhara, vespa and rock icon, also lowkey proto-Makima

  4. About Aventurine and that leak info from a day or two ago


  6. In another world where he didn't end it, I can see him becoming a streamer as a pass time to go along with his retirement

  7. In another world, he would have gotten to play live action Professor Oak like he always wanted…

  8. I’m ready to cry like the little bitch I am

  9. It's a part 2 to a trilogy with a directly connected story meant to lead into a part 3

  10. I also think the title has something to do with it. A general audience would assume “Final Fantasy VII Remake” is just that, a remake. Meanwhile “Rebirth” suggests something entirely different, like another compilation game. Unless you’re in the know, you would assume these two titles are unrelated, much less sequels

  11. Jade crumbs are gonna make me start spamming the M word

  12. Neko Atsume, god I miss that game so much

  13. still cannot believe we actually got duo fchrobin, im in heaven rn

  14. Chrom has two hands to hold his husband and wife (who are technically the same person)

  15. It's a new front in the culture wars. Hopefully it dies down a few weeks after launch or something because I'm more interested in how the combat feels, I still can't tell for sure if it's more souls or char-act or some hybrid mix ( I don't have a ps5 anyway so I guess it's a moot point until a potential PC release)

  16. Same I hope this dies down when it releases. I cannot stress how much I despise this type of crowd, especially since I’m a woman myself and the way they talk about women… hurgh

  17. Yeah, even as someone who likes fanservicey stuff generally a lot of the chatter out there is fucking gross 'own the libs' type garbage. I will say the game seems curiously not very sexy despite the main character seeming to have her boobs out more or less, but eh, we'll see how it pans out I guess.

  18. Yeah I’ve seen the gameplay footage and I do like the monster designs a lot. Something about viscerally horrifying enemies always scratches a good itch in my brain lmao

  19. Is aa5 more popular in japan? Simon being that high and Fulbright being there is kinda surprising. Poor Athena though, international fans had to carry her

  20. I love how Klavier has no relevance beyond AA4 and a brief appearance in AA5 and he still managed to secure 5th place lmao

  21. Ahem worst prosecutor in the series fr

  22. Is that… Furry Kaito? Furry Akito? FURRY HONAMI???

  23. Their dialogues in original CN feels very different. The CN and JP community now thinks they are more fluff and not toxic, which is a vast difference from EN, and I feel a big part of this disparity can be attributed to Ratio's vo. Still great voice acting, but the directions differ.

  24. Really? I’d love to hear more about the CN reception of 2.1!

  25. As for the Xianzhou storyline, I only started playing HSR this year so all the discourse around isn't easy to dig up anymore. It is a general consensus that the idea was good, but the story was poorly executed, causing much confusion and misinformation. Anything in specific you'd like to know about?

  26. The high cloud quintet stuff if possible!

  27. I mean, rocks are mute technically speaking. So it’s not super explicit but the meaning still carries over

  28. This good shit GOOD SHIT RIGHT HERE

  29. This is real toxic yuri idc what anyone says anymore

  30. 30? I dont see any mention of the gift of odyssey tho?

  31. 20 tickets + 1,600 jades = 30 pulls

  32. Falling to my knees in the mall as we speak

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