1. Is your husband looking for a side piece đŸ˜¶

  2. We make Puerto Rico a state and then sell New Jersey to North Korea. 3 birds with one stone, Puerto Ricans happy, stars on the flag stay an even 50, we don’t have to deal with New Jerseyans talking about the sopranos.

  3. I'd recommend also making DC a state and then giving Florida to Hungary as a gesture of peace and goodwill

  4. Florida man is the most valuable asset to our national security. So I counter with gifting Hungary Texas

  5. Why does bosnia exist and why is it not a part of Croatia?

  6. Is Germany aligned with the US? If so the Kaliningrad exclave would be such an interesting area given its military importance against the Russians.

  7. A parrot's back is an erogenous zones so I think he's having a grand ole time.

  8. I should’ve known it was horny Birb syndrome

  9. Awww. What’s her story?

  10. She was an Indian street dog that was found as a puppy. The organization I adopted her from will rescue them and then send them to the US to be adopted. Her breed is called an Indian Pariah dog.

  11. Awww. Does she bark? I noticed most street dogs tend to be quiet

  12. She barks at any noise coming from the front door. Her and the mailman do not get along 😂

  13. I thought being an eagles fan was rough until I witnessed the psychological damage Cowboys fans endure each year convincing themselves that every year is their year

  14. You're a moron if you think people trolling with "iTs oUr yEaR" on social media are actual genuine fans who believe that.

  15. Bro I believe it or not cowboys fans exist in Philadelphia, and they do be believing every year is in fact, there year

  16. As someone who lives in an area above the national average I can safely say our schools are still dog shit

  17. That is 110% animal abuse. You should be honest with the owners and let them know that it’s unacceptable to keep a bird in those conditions. If they can’t provide proper care for the bird then they need to give it away to someone who can!

  18. Damn bro big angry that Stalin was a piece of shit

  19. He’s about to raise that K/D ratio to a 4

  20. I’m an ambassador from the sixers Reddit. I’m here to negotiate the changing of your sub logo

  21. All the people commenting that they’re happy the cop got stabbed should go tell his two kids that he totally deserved to get murdered for being aggressive with this man’s dog. I get it he should’ve just left the dog alone but Jesus Christ if you think it’s ok he got murdered over this then you’re sick.

  22. You “oddly” ain’t got not bitches

  23. Gonna use this before I take a massive shit

  24. If there ever was a time to take the law into your own hands, it’s for this reason.

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