1. What’s next, not allowing beanies and not setting a pink one in the corner?

  2. Not even figuratively jerking it when I say that's justified.

  3. What’s justified, the rule of taking away a star because of it?

  4. I was going to listen to it later, but this comment convinced me to listen to it right now.

  5. De Gouden Vis, Den Stillen Genieter, het Ankertje aan de Dijle

  6. Man, I really dislike how PDP never actually fully acknowledged his issues and mistakes but still got forgiven in the eyes of the public.

  7. Remind me again why we need to ruin people's lives for bad takes

  8. The “bad takes” are racism, fam. You guys love abstraction to talk around the actual facts of the matter.

  9. Didn't realise it was unmaintained, thanks for letting me know

  10. I’m not sure if it’s unmaintained, the dev said he was working on a big update to the underlying architecture a few months ago. If I’d had to guess, he’s chipping away at that.

  11. They're openning a train station down the street from me and the "protestors" are basically voicing this. To them walkable neighborhoods with public transit means more crime.

  12. More than anything else, a lot of (upper) middle class people absolutely despise poorer people. A lot of them have internalised the lie that our system is a meritocracy, which would necessarily mean that poor people just don’t deserve anything more than they have.

  13. Yes the reaction era to weird internet stuff, like the enema lady and grapefruit video was so funny to me back then. Haha i love the no holds bar attitute. Maybe it's the whole internet atmosphere when that was popping off haha also their best briend sean. Loved that dude

  14. Why not use the same domain for internal and external use? It should just work if you run your own DNS server (Pi-Hole, Adguard, 
) and you configure it to point to your server, or if your router supports hairpin NAT.

  15. Ruff Sqwad - Together is the first one my mind jumped to.

  16. Europe has been pushed to the right in the last few decades - just look at our immigration policies and how we’re able to tolerate (and pay for) cruelty in North Africa to reduce the number of people coming to Europe.

  17. Depression, that's the long and short of literally all of them. Plus a fair mix of them looking back on the past with sepia toned goggles

  18. That, along with the proliferation of profit-maximising strategies like loot boxes and season passes, pushed by suits.

  19. Nee, franskiljons zien Frans als een van vele indicatoren van hun status, en kijken meer neer op armere mensen dan op Nederlandstaligen. De gewone Waal, daarentegen, is in mijn ervaring helemaal niet neerbuigend tegen Nederlands.

  20. Alles moet tegenwoordig idd in Ă©Ă©n van de twee hokjes gepropt worden: links/progressief versus rechts/conservatief. Wanneer de media en de maatschappij meer en meer meningen zo labelen, moeten we niet verbaasd zijn dat meer en meer mensen op extreme partijen stemmen.

  21. Extreemrechts doet dit zelf nogal graag, de “with us or against us”-retoriek. De media is eerder schuldig in dat ze daar te makkelijk in meegaan - en zo "neutraliteit" boven objectiviteit kiezen - dan dat ze er zelf de bron van zijn.

  22. Same types that say "law and order" and "back the blue"

  23. “Wild as any freedom loving racist, I applaud the actions of the chief.”

  24. Hah, similar experience. My wife likes to use Google Ads in particular, especially shopping related ones. She knows that they are ads, but the fact that they show up and unclickable is annoying.   I didn’t offer a workaround though and she’s learned to deal with it by hopping on 5g when needed, haha

  25. Yeah same. The Google shopping ads are annoying to me as well tbh, often they are indeed what I’m looking for. It’s a shame Adguard or Pi-Hole can’t just filter those ads out entirely, instead of making them not work.

  26. Their true colours are why they’re the West’s ally. This is the logical conclusion of a Zionist state, which Israel has been since its conception.

  27. And 150 each session for new Solutions (especially necessary when campusing)

  28. I would love to see the post that inspired this

  29. I refuse to believe that isn’t raw engagement bait

  30. Yeah, this is way too reminiscent of those Facebook posts with basic math where the only “challenge” was basic order of operations.

  31. Car drivers in Tenerife must have a stressfull life

  32. Nah, they’re relatively safe in their metal box.

  33. Yeah because apart from physical harm there's no downside whatsoever with a cyclist crashing into your car, you can have stress for anothers wellbeing too did you know.

  34. You’ve got it the other way around; drivers think they own the road, and they get an aneurysm the moment cyclists take up the space they’re legally (and morally, by the way) allowed to use. The implicit message of “cyclists think they own the road” is “but it actually belongs to drivers.”

  35. BeyoncĂ© describes herself as feminist and supports progressive causes, so this is likely just a case of a retroactive “this is bad because it disagrees with my ideology”

  36. Honestly, Beyoncé’s feminism is not worth a damn, unless I’m really mistaken. It just reeks of someone who wants to be part of the dominant group, not someone who actually cares about equality.

  37. Yeah lmao, that’s their highest pay grade with every possible extra compensation for working bad hours, risk pay, 
 and as someone else pointed out, it’s probably not the type of work you’d be doing full time (like two weeks, two weeks off), so it’s not like you’d make 350k.

  38. You shoud work on migrating your communities to open platforms like Matrix.

  39. It’s terribly hard to convince people to switch from a known working solution to anything else. I can barely convince my friends to switch to a browser that isn’t Chrome, and that’s not even dependent on other people using it.

  40. You don't need to convince anyone of anything. You just need to stop using those things and when your non-tech friends ask "how do I do X?". You can say something like "Sorry dude, I don't use Chrome anymore" then the next time they say "What about doing Y?" you say "Yeah I'm not using Windows any more."

  41. That assumes your friends come to you for tech advice and will switch when you advise them to.

  42. Honestly, I stayed at a company that I could've left and gotten paid more somewhere else because I enjoyed the people I worked with and was treated respectively and kindly by management and my supervisors.

  43. There’s this concept in management theory (yeah yeah, I know) that there is quite some value in what you could call extras, but that those only add value if a certain baseline of essentials is reached (sufficient salary being one of the main ones).

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