1. I have a friend with a mother who kidnapped him as a baby and tried to flee the country. Simply put, he doesn’t talk to her and hasn’t seen her in years.

  2. Lightning McQueen was actually in Rocket League, so it’s honestly not that much of a stretch that they could make him cross-compatible with Fortnite, especially considering Disney’s investment.

  3. In addition my Skull scout and Silas Hesk are behind by 2 months, I only have Auric Legacy and Venomous Legacy on them

  4. Do you resubscribe every two months like some people (For example, subbing in Feb for Lana Llane and getting Katt before it ends, then resubscribing in April for Ares)? That could explain the gaps in your legacy styles.

  5. I love these images, it’s like seeing a Smash Bros. roster of nutjobs

  6. Disney Infinity was almost a decade ago. I wouldn’t really call it recent.

  7. I’d be annoyed if I didn’t already own Treezy and by extension this lol

  8. Does "Rep." here mean Republican? I'm just asking because he was the incumbent Treasurer of Pennsylvania.

  9. Maybe? He was also a member of the House of Representatives in PA. He was also a Republican. Regardless it still kind of lines up even though he was Treasurer when he, well you know

  10. “Your identity is invalid, you’re a mentally ill lunatic, I’m going to make sure it’s illegal for you to live your life and I’m going to make sure every single person who follows me thinks you’re a pedophile who does nothing but harm society.”

  11. I also want to note that this video specifically is not part of YouTube Kids. You can comment on it, share it and everything. She just saw Minecraft and assumed it was a YT Kids video, what an idiot lol

  12. A reminder that there are elected officials who share these views.

  13. I think Ben has experience with her and other idiots… and will show the world what a fool she is.

  14. He also hired, paid, and funded projects for that fool, so…

  15. I'm lost. Is it satire or are people really staring unprotected into the sun to own the libs?

  16. Satire from both users who also might be trying some comical reverse psychology on stupid people

  17. They've reconned it to vibration senses aswell last I checked

  18. I just took a quick glance at the Marvel wiki (those guys are REALLY good at keeping up with events so I don’t have to read every issue of Daredevil to answer a question) and it seems to be a mix of both?

  19. Guys, obviously Sokka’s too smart to get kidnapped by Fortnite. He’s gonna be the one to get them out of there

  20. I’m still surprised she wasn’t available to purchase all season long, considering how tied to ranked the skin is, like the starter pack, stw pack, and Lego pack.

  21. If I recall correctly, Odyssey doesn’t track your highest rank of the season like the backblings do. Instead, she tracks your current rank (for example, if you go down from diamond to platinum, the current backbling would stay diamond but she turns platinum)

  22. Odyssey stays the highest rank you’ve achieved so far in the season. I know because I achieved Diamond, then de-ranked back to Platinum, but the skin stayed Diamond. I am now back in Diamond again.

  23. I can’t tell what’s funnier, Candace being dumb enough to think Ben wants an honest debate or Ben trying to schedule a debate he knows she can’t make it to

  24. It is incredibly hilarious to know that a TPUSA event only got butts into seats because a teacher bribed them with points

  25. Very happy to see that it continues to be the lore that, yes, the collabs are canon and all of these characters have canonically been to Fortnite

  26. Her talent is literally insane. This guy has no ears and has never heard anyone sing.

  27. Beyoncé describes herself as feminist and supports progressive causes, so this is likely just a case of a retroactive “this is bad because it disagrees with my ideology”

  28. Not only that, but admitting to lying during her interview with Lorenz. To quote her, “Is there a law against lying?”

  29. Speaking of which, we definitely don't wanna talk about how both Marvel and Capcom screwed the poach with MvCi from PR to marketing to even having Sigma, who was one of the game's main antagonists alongside Ultron, being locked behind DLC while Ultron was in the base roster. That game basically killed the franchise in general thanks to bad blood between both companies.

  30. I’ve always thought MVCI is one of the best examples out there of a game going very, very wrong. The gameplay is incredible, don’t get me wrong. It is extremely fun to play, but there’s so little meat in the package compared to what came before.

  31. Put in General Grevious, he could have his cloak on as an alternative style, and his emote would be his 4 arms spinning lightsabers. It would be the best skin ever.

  32. Despite his potential being utterly wasted in everything he’s been in since 2005, I’d buy Grievous instantly because at the very least he looks badass

  33. Notice how Sleepy Brandon didn't do this on an important day for Muslims.

  34. It’s almost like Ramadan, another constantly shifting holiday, didn’t happen to line up with another unrelated celebration that has existed on March 31st for a decade

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