1. Clearly a CC dispute, get your money back. He’s blatantly stealing from you and working outside of terms. On top of that, tell him to pay you cash for the tools if he wants them, otherwise those are yours

  2. Dispute the charge? On what grounds? In what universe is this the retailer’s problem? They shouldn’t be out money because the customer is an idiot and gave the contractor their credit card to … checks notes …. Buy stuff at that store.

  3. Service Manual Procedure (tesla.com)

  4. Shares they own, no. Options are not owned shares. They’re just that…options to buy at a specific price. They generally must be exercised within 90 days.

  5. Doesn’t look burnt to me. Maybe needs a dethatch.

  6. Depends. Smash burgers? American. Big fat medium burgers? Vermont cheddah.

  7. Your zones are based on your max HR. How did you determine your max HR? There are guidelines, but they don’t apply to everyone. I knew a guy my age whose HR would max out around 140. That’s zone 2 for me.

  8. Yup. Cook long enough and your senses tell you all sorts of things.

  9. Go to the RMV with your marriage license after your honeymoon and get a new license with your new last name. Your marriage license solves all your last name discrepancy issues. You’re overthinking it.

  10. You didn’t “see alerts pop up”. You opened service mode and saw log messages you don’t understand. Which is pretty much why they don’t want everyone going into service mode.

  11. I'm not too sure about that "...don't want everyone going into service mode" thing. If they truly didn't want us in Service Mode, they'd change the super-secret password to something a bit more complex. ;)

  12. Counter point. If they didn't care and wanted everyone in there, they'd just put it as an option on the Service menu and not require a password.

  13. Has it been a while since you had garmin. Mine has worked flawlessly so far.

  14. It's been a couple of years, yes. I had every one up until the 530. I got tired of thinking "Oh, maybe they've solved all of these issues with the 510." Then the 520. Then the 520 Plus. Then the 530.

  15. Nobody tips when they go into McDonald’s. WTF is this stupid shit?

  16. Yes guys, the former president refused to click tip on his doordash. He was probably busy with his 9-5 and folding laundry

  17. It wasn’t door dash. Did you even read the story?

  18. I don’t think she cares who he stuck his dick in while they were married.

  19. He gonna pay us for the power it take?

  20. Only gotta be faster than the people you’re with.

  21. Nope. No reason for you to sign and 500 reasons not to. Broker will still get paid.

  22. Nantucket is expensive AF. Martha’s Vineyard is crowded AF.

  23. Ya should never be charged for this shit in any country, and if we don't invade for their freedom then we are weak , fun fact

  24. You want the US military to invade another country because some chucklehead broke one of the laws in that country? Are you really that dumb?

  25. I suppose it's a state where you don't have to be party registered to vote in primaries?

  26. Nope. It was a closed primary. Naperville politics guy just making shit up.

  27. So, if this is what I (and apparently many others) think, it goes right to the air handler. This means that whatever goes into this pipe will end up being spread all over their house, by their own AC.

  28. It likely does go to the air handler but it’s a condensate drain, not an air intake. An intake would be significantly larger in diameter.

  29. You're missing one piece and the other is broken. You can order both from Amazon if Tesla service refuses to cover it under warranty (mine did).

  30. Nope. Not hot enough for Nutsedge yet. That's tall fescue. There isn't a selective herbicide that will get rid of it and not the grass you want.... so you basically need to nuke the areas and reseed. Or learn to deal with it.

  31. Best way to nuke it would be to… paint it with glyphosate or just spray the whole area and knock out a little lawn around it just to be safe?

  32. I guess it depends on how much you have or more specifically how much time you're willing to spend bent over painting individual blades of grass.

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