1. I love this because as you say people enjoy doing purposeful things that enhance their and their communities and families lives.

  2. There's reputation economies where people are rewarded with recognition, and gift economies where things are simply given without reciprocation. There's also post-scarcity ideas for different economic models that would develop if one didn't need to worry about basic needs. Personally, I'm fond of Georgism as a starting point, which is basically capitalism except that natural resources are owned by everyone- You can own a house, but you pay everyone else rent on the land; If you want to extract oil or timber or minerals, you can still make a profit on the refining, but you pay a market value for raw material itself and everyone gets a cut.

  3. Can I just take a moment to acknowledge just how many of these responses are sci-fi and fantasy characters?

  4. There's no mortgage on a house at that price. Houses over $5mil are nearly always paid for in cash.

  5. They just cannot grasp that LA to NY is the same distance as Lisbon to Moscow.

  6. I've explained that the distance from my home in Maine to San Francisco is about 800km further than the distance from St Petersburg to Gibraltar. Jaw drop.

  7. There is something off with Rudolph. Especially the 180 change on his opinion of Murphy after Fool Moon. Changes made me believe it was Red Court for a bit but now I think it was someone in the Circle and the Eebs knew about it. I don't think the shot in Battle Ground was a direct targeted assassination though! I think it was just an accident because he is loosing his mind because someone has been manipulating him/ had screwed with his mind in the past. He has fixated on Harry for being a tangible link to that world.

  8. The potion in Turn Coat was SUBTLE mind control- It didn't change the person, just nudged and encouraged existing personality traits. Someone inclined to paranoia became far more paranoid. Someone inclined towards romanticism surrendered to their romantic impulses.

  9. I wonder if Mother holds the other two, does she just become Hecate again?

  10. Hecate was split into six, Odin underwent something obviously similar. I suspect that the biblical creation story somehow parallels the White God "creating" our universe by walling it off from outside, and the other gods' reduced status being a condition of staying here.

  11. Bradley Whitford's character from Cabin in the Woods.

  12. This one needs to be higher, but I'm mollified by the three other Floyd songs in the top 15.

  13. He also "forgets" to mention that he worked there unloading trucks during the summer. After high school, his dad sent him to college and then to get an MBA. He called an executive at Wal Mart (probably someone he worked with/for when he was unloading trucks), said "I wanna be a buyer after I graduate with my MBA", and had a job waiting for him. Never once did he volunteer to do his boss's job until after he had 6 years of college.

  14. There's a level where family money will pay for college, and can support you until you find a job, help with (or just buy) you a house, and if you need to go for stretches without an income, you'll be okay. You can devote 100% of your efforts to your education or pursuing your goals without having to constantly worry about survival while hanging onto a dead end job for the health insurance and giving half your income to a landlord.

  15. and then the D&D party decides to skip the town altogether

  16. When DMing for a group of 10 year olds, I opened a session with "After a few more hours on the river, you come around a bend and see an abandoned temple. It seems like a good spot to stop and explore BECAUSE THAT'S THE ADVENTURE I HAVE PLANNED FOR TODAY."

  17. Don’t see it happening, but if he had ANOTHER kid he didn’t know about, he would flat out kill Mab over it.

  18. Eh, I don’t think it detracts that much. There are quite a few other places where you could apply that logic to detract from how impressive his feats are:

  19. It's amazing what you can accomplish with a little skill, the right opportunity, and a blatant disregard for your own safety.

  20. idk if im just a masshole, but the language i grew up using when communicating with the world in NE (including overarching themes of sarcasm, cursing, and bluntness) has people thinking im mean out here in the northwest

  21. Yeah, I honestly think there's nowhere else you can say goodbye to a dear friend with "Love you, ya fuckface. And give that dipshit brother of yours a hug for me."

  22. Corporate shitassery in general. If I kill someone, I go to prison, but a corporation can kill thousands of people by releasing a product that they know is dangerous, and the worst they get is a fine. It's just the cost of doing business.

  23. This is literally the entire point of corporations: That the owners are not liable for the actions of the company, and all they can lose is their investment at most.

  24. Absolutely. My son is autistic and has food aversions. We learned early on that forcing him to eat food he doesn’t want like our parents did to us as kids is hella unproductive but we also taught him to make food he’ll eat early on. Doc even said don’t force him to eat, but he’s not going to die from missing a few meals here and there, so don’t cater to it.

  25. I saw a thing from a mom whose policy was to always have one particular dish ready in the fridge- I think it was rice and beans or something, but it was very simple, nutritious, and a little boring, which everyone in the household was willing to eat if there was nothing better.

  26. So, as near as I can tell- And this is equal parts fact, rumor, and wild speculation- Is that they were nearly done, like 3/4 of the way there. Still quite a ways from a shelf-ready product, but a good way in. Then they manage to get all of the original cast members to do voice work.

  27. I'm also against industrial solar, and everyone here should be as well.

  28. The Catholic Church admitted- In court, in multiple countries- to having helped it's clergy rape children.

  29. The problem is that it creates incentive not to leave living witnesses.

  30. How dare you disgrace the great state of Maine like that?

  31. Let's be honest. Many of the areas that claim to be oh so friendly and welcoming are not. They'll be sugary sweet to your face and bad mouth you the instant you turn around.

  32. Southerners are nice, but not kind. Northerners are kind but not nice.

  33. The largest transfer of wealth in history will be medical bills and retirement homes sucking every penny from the boomers.

  34. It would be all good and fine if we had raised the minimum wage by a dollar or two every year, but we didn't. Now we need to raise it by so much all at once that it will literally crash the economy to put it where it needs to be.

  35. My current Baader-Meinhoff is the saying "money shouts but wealth whispers."

  36. I work around millionaires and the occasional billionaire. Been in situations where the Speaker of the House and someone who shared a surname with a Fortune 500 company weren't the most important folks in the room.

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