1. As I have gotten older now the song Time gets me every time, no pun intended lol. But, it does have me reflect on my life as it is now and what it was then, with the triumphs and mistakes I have made to be where I am.

  2. Put more of a focus on grinding and working hard.

  3. I bought a girl flowers to ask to the 7th grade dance. She turned me down right in front of my locker by going “no,no, no” ams sliding away. Rather than throw away the flowers in shame I kept them in my locker for 6 months.

  4. Buc-ees gear is on point though

  5. Not a fan of Dave, mostly cause he was on Cumia and Crowders show. But will give it a shot.

  6. A lot of comic books that are valuable, dress and workout shoes

  7. So your brother is a bit of a prick, best to cut him out.

  8. So he stole 3 packs of cigarettes.

  9. Have so much time to do stuff in one day.

  10. Learn to bask in it as people are terrible. Better to be alone

  11. It’s always funny seeing these snarky comments from people who clearly don’t or didn’t watch the show. Even yesterday the threat about the “big” thing had loads of people going “that’s what they said last week” ignoring the fact that last week debuted 2 legends and Colt coming back.

  12. But if you’re saying it’s newsworthy to catch people’s attention to watch, it has to be really newsworthy.

  13. Pippa noooo pippa noooo. Bonfire Crackle Crackle

  14. I didn’t want to cry before bed, but here we are.

  15. What an awkward conversation that’s going to be.

  16. You have to cheat. That’s what was explained in the beginning of the book.

  17. Never being financially satisfied

  18. It’s a fantastic book for it’s time

  19. I think I know the comic shop this happened in. Was this in San Antonio?

  20. Took me 20 years but got my bachelors.

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