1. Love his response. Special Olympics are real athletes. They push themselves harder sometimes just from sheer determination and they do it with joy and dont complain.

  2. As a lazy able bodied person, I don't need to know anything about Special Olympians to know they'd kick my arse 9 ways from Sunday in any sport of their choosing.

  3. Google what pugs looked like a century ago. Or dachshunds or British bulldogs. This isn't about dog breeds being "unnatural", it's about taking an already existing, healthy breed that, like most breeds, was bred for a utilitarian purpose, and inbreeding the fuck out of it to accentuate features for no other purpose than what looks good to humans, then standardizing those features into breed confirmation requirements which encouraged an arms race amongst breeders to get dogs with the most extreme forms of those confirmation requirements to the point they can't even mate or give birth naturally.

  4. Frenchies existing when they cannot breed except via C-section and artificial insemination disprove this argument.

  5. Same with English Bulldogs. If a dog from a reputable breeder has an average age of 2-5 due to them dropping fucking dead of heart attacks, then that's a fucked up breed.

  6. They got their Russian propaganda talking points exactly as scheduled.

  7. I avoid using Amazon whenever possible but sometimes that's a luxury that I can't afford when Amazon is the only place to find something that will arrive at a reasonable time for a reasonable price.

  8. You keep saying Wal-Mart and Amazon are the only places to shop online, like that's an inarguable fact. Just admit you want cheap shit as fast as possible. At least it's honest. Pretending there are literally no other options in the entire world and your hands are just tied by the system man is disingenuous to say the least.

  9. I don't know, I have somehow managed to live my entire life without any home assistant or order from Amazon once and it's not exactly a huge sacrifice on my part. "The system" is responsible for a lot of shit, but sometimes it is just your own personal choices. Like I see people whining about having to use Amazon because it has same day delivery, like waiting a couple of days for a smaller supplier or finding someone local to purchase from are options. People just don't want to admit they're addicted to the convenience.

  10. As an Australian it's well known and it's what our Antarctic researchers call it, so maybe you could just educate yourself?

  11. This was an interesting article for me to understand a bit more about the ocean borders:

  12. Why are you doubling down on information that is extremely easy to verify? Like it's fine to say "I misunderstood" or "I was wrong". Nobody needs a wall of text trying to justify your wrongness.

  13. I've seen that quote parroted by the same people who unironically say things like "I don't like drama but it always finds me" while sharing yet another story about how they're totally responsible for the drama in their life.

  14. It's also incredibly dishonest, because as a person with quite a boring and even keeled life full of generally other sensible people, I have almost no drama in my life, but you better believe I fucking love watching it go down with other people.

  15. It’s funny because these are the type of women that they demonize, yet they’re constantly in their DMs?? Hmmmmmm🤔

  16. If women are choosing cats over men, that might say something about what those men are bringing to the table.

  17. I figured you were. To me, those descriptors suggest a woman who knows how to enjoy life on her own terms.

  18. These dudes are so desperate for attention from a woman, they can't conceive of the reverse not being true. I literally couldn't wait to turn 40 and reach the age when men generally consider women unfuckable, just so I could become invisible to men. And I have to say, it's been everything I dreamed of and more.

  19. Oh my God! I can only imagine how terrible this must’ve been! This poor man must be scarred for life! This is the evilest thing I’ve ever seen! /s

  20. It's amazing how people on reddit are so worked up over this, when most will never have to worry about ever getting the chance to have sex.

  21. Hey, I'm not a gay man but I still care about the rights of men who want to have sex with men and don't want them punished for it. Maybe if you could expand some of that big brain energy you're using to make virgin jokes, you could understand that people are capable of empathy.

  22. What about sex before marriage and switching partners etc.

  23. Somebody get this guy a bib, the Fox News diarrhoea spray is on full force and he's covering everything in liquid shit.

  24. 1600 years ago St. Augustine said (and I'm paraphrasing): "God has given us two scriptures to understand him: the Bible, and the Natural World. And if they seem to disagree with each other, it is only because we have not understood one of them yet."

  25. Ah yes, if they disagree with each other it's a "misunderstanding" not that one of them is wrong, and pretty sure the natural world that we can see, touch, taste and hear, isn't it.

  26. I've also heard of the trash challenge where you make a menu out of the first 3-4 pieces of food based litter you find (based on that food, not literally using the trash).

  27. Right? Where do these people live that they're seeing trash from meat, vegetables and other meal prep items? Where I live it would just be KFC and iced coffee cartons.

  28. I don't understand how this works? Like litter you just see on the street? Because that's pretty much all fast food or candy wrappers. Or trash from your own house? In which case, it's food you just cooked, so why cook the same ingredients again?

  29. There is actually a large number of “psychopaths” and “sociopaths”, so you very well could be one! We have no way of truly knowing who is a psychopath or sociopath because not all commit heinous crimes - or any crimes at all.

  30. We have no way of knowing because "psychopath" and "sociopath" aren't real, diagnosable disorders covered in the DSM-V. No psychiatrist or psychologist will diagnose someone with "psychopathy". It's a pop psychology terminology used to describe vague clusters of symptoms and behaviours. The closest we have to a diagnosis is anti social personality disorder, but that's not psychopathy either.

  31. Perhaps he noticed but decided to trust when she said she was enjoying herself and wanted it. Silly him.

  32. Yeah, for a guy to ignore all visible signs of a woman not wanting it and just keep going so he can cum, is pretty shitty

  33. Because he's a petty bitch who is trying to destroy her life for the crime of not wanting to fuck him any more? Jesus, your attitude is exactly the problem.

  34. 🤦🏻‍♀️Yup, looks like I left out an important word: up. I was written up.

  35. I'm Australia, most teachers are union. Are you in a union or could you join one?

  36. Examples? There are literally politicians that are forced to sleep in their offices.

  37. They barely even research women, the default human in medical care is still assumed to be a man as women are still massively underrepresented in clinical research. I would love participant diversity to be improved in all areas.

  38. I started watching it when it came out and got through 3 seasons before I got bored at how repetitive it is. The first season was excellent though. The fact that it's still on with multiple spin offs is baffling to me.

  39. Incredible book/film! Well worth checking out if OP isn’t familiar

  40. I've read and seen it, I definitely agree. Du Maurier was an exceptional writer. We had to read Rebecca at school and I loved it.

  41. I’m getting the feeling more and more, recently, that a significant amount of people including the OP would rather never have evolved from the stone age, and would preffer to live in caves rather than cities.

  42. The sense I get from this sub is that apparently higher density living (which is inarguably more sustainable and better for the environment) is worse than suburban sprawl that tears down natural ecosystems to cover everything in monoculture expanses of lawn, but it looks "prettier" so it's better. Or something.

  43. Remember a few years back when news reporting services realised they couldn't make money if people didn't pay a dollar for a newspaper every day and fired all the support staff to cut costs? Yeah, proofreaders were the first to go. The drop in quality of journalism has been incredibly obvious over the last 10 years of so.

  44. Right like her real body looks great. I’m so tired of Instagram influencers lol

  45. God, I would kill for her unedited body. She looks super fit and strong. I am just baffled by her choice to edit herself into this bizarre twig waisted thing.

  46. You can be married at 12 but can that be to a 25 yr old? Would statutory rape supersede being married.

  47. Yep, as long as there's parental consent, it's totally fine!

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