1. Kinda! We work together but don’t talk as much since the season is starting to end and we see each other less. I thought death represented new beginnings bc it’s an ending of a cycle? Also do you have any advice/tips on better questions to ask for tarot cards ? I feel like I never really know how to ask a good question to be able to interpret the cards I get for the reading

  2. Hi!! Can someone please help me interpret this reading? I fear I looked into the card meanings online for too long and have gotten myself confused by overwhelming myself with info haha

  3. I feel like I have been seeing signs of my SP manifestation all summer, but I saw them with a third party recently and I was absolutely crushed. What happened ?? I have been practicing law of assumption the entire summer, I even manifested people who were just a passing thought but I feel like I have been having trouble with my SP? What is going wrong?

  4. Can someone help me interpret my reading? I just had one for myself and my question was “what is this persons energy towards me” in regards to an ex where our relationship just ended. We still snap each other and I just got an apology from how he treated me towards the end of our break up. The cards that came out to me (I can’t figure out how to attach a photo) are The hanged man, 8 of wands, the world, and the lovers all in upright position. When the last card was drawn (the lovers) I started crying. I think I’m too confused about what happened between us and how I’m currently feeling about him to understand what my cards are saying. Can someone more experienced with interpreting cards help me understand this reading?

  5. If anyone can tell me how I can post a photo so that you all have a better understanding on what I’m talking about, it would much appreciated!

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