1. That little tiny black fish near the shark: come on buddy hold on they gonna help you!!

  2. Maak ook even screenshots van tokkies die blij zijn wanneer Israël weer aanvalt of onschuldige mensen laat uitdrogen

  3. Thanks for reminding me why I don’t side with palestine. Clearly hamas didn’t kidnap—rape-murder women in the music festival. You need to have proof. Cuz you are so important. Lol

  4. We don’t need you to be on Palestine side. You belong to the Zionist side, who gives a fuck about you

  5. And your celebrating raping- murdering- home invasions as liberation. Your people are monsters too. In war it becomes who is the bigger monster? And they are the ones who write history.

  6. Zionist followers are the ones blinded by propaganda but go ahead and justify it all

  7. Tell your mom thanks for using drugs while being pregnant ! Who the fuck is justifying killing innocent people from wherever they are? It’s really you that is cheering for Zionist to keep killing innocent people. Defending okay but brutally murdering out a whole nation, Wtf your moral compass is fucked up

  8. Just the regular Zionist, but nobody would call him a terrorist right

  9. This is beautiful to see. You can be against the actions of Israel and NOT be pro terrorism too

  10. Yea im starting think the Israelis aren’t really the good guys

  11. When you are against Israel and their actions, it doesn’t automatically mean you are pro terrorism or condemning what happened to innocent Israelis. It just means you have your eyes open and seeing how truly evil they are and trying to wipe out a whole nation, and not only this week but for such a long time

  12. Still waiting to see pictures of your so called babies that are killed , not the AL edited ones tho

  13. Is this an Hamas/ ISIS supporters sub Reddit? Honest question. No intent to trigger.

  14. If you are pro Palestina you aren’t automatically pro Hamas. So because we feel that Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves against and are in pain because there are dozens of innocent people killed we are isis supporters?

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