1. Honestly just forget it. It's like I'm talking to a brick wall. I don't think I'm the triggered person here though. I'm so sorry if I offended you. Just keep in mind that Palestine will never be free until Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, etc are free, and vice versa. So every time you say "free Palestine" don't forget to also say "free Syria", "free Egypt", etc.

  2. All counties above won't be free and stable until we get rid of the zionist regime and their western genocide supporters and countries that spread wars and terrorism in Middle East. Also, can you show us where you're posting about Syria? Your profile shows you attacking a girl in

  3. Silly, I'm Syrian. I used to speak alot about syria and all other oppressed muslim nations but a few years ago I realized how naive the average muslim/arab is and how hopeless the situation is. I try to awaken people from time to time but you guys are too brainwashed by your stupid governments.

  4. Lol zionists shells pretending to be syrians are so lame 🤥 stop lying bro there are zero posts about Syria or about anything in your profile you're just trolling, you literally shamed a girl on

  5. Mr. Queen and can't stop laughing 😅

  6. Biden, is that the guy funding genocide? You guys actually believe any of these western governments democracy bullshit still after illegal invasion of Iraq, Palestine occupation, Yemen, Libya....🤦🏻‍♀️

  7. Watch it's okay that's love not only for the FL/ML trauma but also for the well written story, depection of mental illness and amazing sound track. 

  8. Kudos to the students for not taking zionists bait

  9. By "achievements" you mean killing 1 million Iraqi and illegaly invading and destroying a country? 

  10. What are these 10 people protesting? Kill more babies? 

  11. The warrant should include the entire genocidal Biden administration, there wouldn't be a genocide without zio government funding. 

  12. How can someone lack that much self awareness 🤔

  13. I have lots of respect for Jews standing up for Palestine again zionists propaganda, it's not easy to go against years of brainwashing and media manipulation. 

  14. I dropped it after 2 episodes 😅

  15. I'm rewatching secret garden & penthouse 

  16. Waiting for all episodes to be released so I can Bing watch it 

  17. Thanks for your humanity! I've been to Georgia recently and met many good people with similar views to yours and I understand that this sub doesn't accurately represent all people in Georgia. 

  18. Are ALL human rights organizations wrong? Also human rights watch? When you're brain washed since birth even if million evidence was presented you will still deny it. Woke literally means alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination which encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities. So good for younger generations for being "woke" and not buying into the propoganda.  Just FYI ISIS is supported by Israel but the same way you deny genocide and deny apertheid there is no way that you can understand how evil Israel state is.  Hope one day you will find your humanity!! 

  19. Also a fictional country 😅😂

  20. These are "self hating jews" it's ok to arrest them... /s zionists logic 

  21. Didn't you know? Even saying that Palestinians are humans is antisemitic

  22. I can't watch this anymore! My heart is bleeding and no one seems to be able to stop the genocide.

  23. Rape has occurred in every single conflict ever. Obviously the Soviets in WW2 win the GOAT for the sheer scale of it. Perhaps pre-google translation it was difficult to communicate that you would like to take her wine stash, non-perishable foods & booty hole. Who knows

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