1. All the bootlickers have come out of the woodwork for this one.

  2. Yeah it is. Danny “good little boy” Westneat is creaming over “restored civility” while celebrating that the new norm is throwing political opponents away for decades en masse for crimes like trespassing and shaking barriers.

  3. And homelessness all over the country is just getting worse, since politicians refuse to address the ridiculous, and rising, cost of housing.

  4. Jerome Powell is definitely trying to do something about it and may succeed.

  5. Nearly doubled. Much more likely to be reported than robberies, so more reliable stat.

  6. You should definitely not have kids. The world will be a better place for it.

  7. What are you trying to say here? This is r / childfree, none of us here want kids.

  8. I’m just trying to say that the rest of us strongly approve your decision not to have children.

  9. Hello Reddit, I’m a deviant. I heard you may have a spot for me?

  10. The main reason give in the article for blocking the proposal seems to be that non-profits issued “dire warnings” about the regional authority, but it doesn’t specify what these dire warnings were. Frustrating.

  11. I think it named at least one: that detention is a core aspect of the regional homeless authority approach as proposed.

  12. Possibly, though it wasn’t clear. And there’s no elaboration on what the objection was, or what the proposal was.

  13. nippy treatment retire ad hoc adjoining sense axiomatic homeless jar paltry

  14. Yeah all those rich white Christian kids running around High Point committing anti-gay hate crimes. Could there be any doubt?

  15. Please do! Download the Find It Fix It app. That's where you can report these kind of issues like homeless camps, trash, dumping, graffiti, potholes, etc. The city is actually pretty responsive.

  16. These people are like junior high booger-eaters who actively work to make normal people hate them.

  17. You could go quickly between Seattle and Spokane without having to to fly from SeaTac.

  18. Convenient you left out a BUNCH of her later statements….that’s not ALL she said and you’re being purposefully disingenuous….

  19. She’s awesome. MOPOP is just representing the ultra-fringe (but majority-Reddit) delusion.

  20. It isn't a history museum, it is a pop culture museum. I would say that Rowling erased herself out of popular culture and the museum is just reflecting that.

  21. You could say that but it would not be very intelligent to do so.

  22. Lol that story sounds like horseshit. What kinda landlord has the utilities in their own name for a house?

  23. Some of the lines in the story sound pretty weird.

  24. It doesn’t read like that at all. Do you know anything about Seattle landlord-tenant law?

  25. Please don’t call them homeless. They are free range humans.

  26. I predict Bob Ferguson will be worse but he won’t torment us with cringe metaphors like Jay does.

  27. Bold stance considering how ineffective the "vax" turned out to be and how political the mandates have been shown to have been. At this point anyone pushing your statements is solidly anti-science and worse than useless to a healthy society.

  28. I know so many of these types. Almost all of them still believe the vax stops 99% of transmission. There’s no arguing with them.

  29. Your justice system is seriously broken 💔. You need new D.A. council members all the way to Washington. Nobody is enforcing the law.

  30. The DA is fine. She did not free the sympathetic would-be hatchet murderer. That was Judge Hillary Madsen. KC judges should all be charged with public malfeasance. Has their been a decent judge since Ed McKenna retired?

  31. Madsen is a naive activist dingbat (but I repeat myself) with 100% BLM-approved positions. She’s now responsible for an entirely preventable murder. Chances that she doubles down? Also 100%.

  32. Right I love the angle that we failed the ex con, not the dead mother and her dead child and their family who they were taken from. Fucking infuriating

  33. People are responsible for raising their children. The state is responsible for protecting us from violence.

  34. I had one of these doctors that corrected me when I said I needed to lose some weight and didn't want to help.

  35. No they won’t. They’ll longer miserably on for decades bankrupting our healthcare system.

  36. 20 or 30 years ago, yeah. I wish we'd built more nuclear power plants then.

  37. Here’s a whole 3/2 house in a nicer neighborhood for $1350.

  38. This has no chance of really working now that Marc Dones is gone.

  39. Don’t worry, I’m sure one of Jay Inslee’s completely impartial appointed judges will overturn it on appeal.

  40. placid roof beneficial poor profit sink wine wrong hat offend

  41. Boards are a key nexus in the massive sprawling web of NGO grift that is choking the life out of all local politics.

  42. Wasn’t her. County decision and Dow Constantine shoulder brunt of the blame.

  43. Smells like typical MyNorthwest whinging, hypernegative ad hominem here. Ecch!

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