1. Passt gut auf die Demokratie auf, wenn Ich nicht mehr bin😮‍💨

  2. Turkic traditional values are not matching with Islam. That’s why Turkic countries have those lowest values. I’m even surprised that Kyrgyzstan got %35. As many Turks say, if you explain Islam as it is and make Turks live by it, Turks will leave Islam.

  3. What are Turkic traditional values like?

  4. What would happen to the Algerians? Their independence in otl was in 1962

  5. I turned 15, 16 and 17 during the pandemic

  6. That woman on the left looks like French more than a Turk. Turkey is too much westernized that they have to put Turkish flag to show she is a Turkish woman. Lol

  7. The hell does that even mean💀 how does one look French? They’re all white

  8. Ahh, thank you! I forgot what it was called in English and thought he abbreviated it from something else😂😅

  9. It’s cuz of the kardashians isn’t it?🤔

  10. Is Cilicia Armenian or Turkish?

  11. Turkish born Kurd who is living in Germany rn?

  12. SHARRRAP😭😭😭😭😭😭 kurd not exist

  13. That’s a stupid idea. How are they gonna rule anything with like two small islands?

  14. That was too much...gota stop clicking random nsfw! Jeeze

  15. What the hell is happening to his lips💀 bring Aceh back

  16. Is this panda a meme in great Zhongguo? I’ve seen this so many times. ( im obviously grateful for great Xi to recommend this )

  17. Why did you use the Turkish İ when writing Israeli🤔

  18. It's funny how imaginary maps influence each other. It's funny seeing my family name that I placed on an imaginary map of Israel as a made up city migrate to this map. 🤣

  19. Why do some states have multiple borders with the same country? What happened to france🤔

  20. Is Germany in any position to refuse Anglo-Franco-Russian demands? If it was, it wouldn't lose Rhineland either.

  21. Did the Entente not want Poland to gain a coastline?

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