1. Same reason people ignore human suffering all around the world, out of sight out of mind.

  2. Yeah, I was injected 3 times in my 1 month stay, it's really weird you just fall asleep and wake up the next day.

  3. I don't think most of the complaints are from racist people, it's just that it makes sense for a game in Japan to have a japanese protagonist, which is what has happened in every AC game so far (if I'm not mistaken), I don't mind it because one of the protagonists will be japanese and it will be a nice dynamic of a japanese person and a foreigner together.

  4. The IUD not healing makes sense because it is not an injury, just an implant, the other stuff should definitely heal though.

  5. I'm sorry for being blunt but why is PDX publishing such a mess

  6. It became a mess after Paradox got involved, in 2019 which is when the first DLC came out.

  7. Check that you're sending it in a format they can read. For ex, if you use an open source version of Word it might end up being saved in a format specific to that program. You must select the docx format.

  8. I don't think that applies to me since I only apply to shitty minimum wage jobs, but I've done all that before, I send a pdf in either English or Portuguese depending on the job I'm applying to, the phone number thing makes sense to me, I might change it, thanks.

  9. That could be a clue that it’s maybe not formatted ideally or that you’re not applying for the right jobs

  10. If you want to check my CV and give me some tips, I'd appreciate it, but I've asked multiple people to do the same and they all say it's fine.

  11. Espera, então não se pode admitir imigrantes mas tb não se pode financiar ex-colonias para melhorar as condições de vida lá (e diminuir a potencial imigração)?

  12. Eles que melhorem as próprias condições de vida.

  13. A minha é a Pieck Finger desde a primeira vez que a vi no manga.

  14. Comentário de ignorante pouco viajado: Qual é a cena de Lisboa? Tirando o Tejo e os edifícios históricos/monumentos que existem em dezenas de cidade na Europa, não vejo nada de especial.

  15. I'm subscribed to the hunting subreddit and there's lots of black people there.

  16. It's sad that the top comments are suggesting abortions.

  17. I see Ramona, so you consider Scott pilgrim takes off as anime. That makes you cool at the very minimum to me

  18. This is the top 40 girls, not anime girls, which is why OP included street fighter and overwatch characters.

  19. The graphics are objectively bad, the aesthetic however is subjective, in my opinion it is also bad, I just think the game looks bad in general, but the gameplay makes up for it, it is an amazing game.

  20. Not really, he was just doing his job. In the military you have to follow orders, nowadays there are exceptions to this of course, I don't believe there were any back then in Japan.

  21. Even if the war was still active he purposely murdered civilians who weren’t a threat to him. Piece of shit any way you look at it

  22. Do you know of the Tokyo bombing which killed 100000 people, most of which civilian?

  23. Aos anos que eles lá andam. O mais engraçado é que existe uma esquadra da PSP no Colombo, mas não vês nem 1 agente da PSP naquela porta lateral onde eles se põem a enganar as pessoas.

  24. Eu já vi esses gajos no Colombo, mas não percebi que estivessem a enganar, pensei que só estivessem a vender cenas, como é que eles enganam?

  25. filosofia historia e arte são ensinamentos que se podem desenvolver por vontade propria....agora estuda lá matemática e física sozinha?!!!.....

  26. História concordo contigo, agora filosofia e história requer muita interpretação e criatividade e por isso é mais difícil aprender sozinho, matemática e física? Basta leres os livros e praticar os exercícios.

  27. Bro história e filosofia é literalmente só ler....

  28. Como eu disse, com história concordo, filosofia não, precisas discutir com outras pessoas que tenham outros pontos de vista.

  29. The dwarf town is going to be so much fun, I wish I could play with you guys, please post pictures ❤️

  30. When you spend months talking to god and ghosts on a faily basis, it's hard to be religious.

  31. This sounds like an eating disorder to me. I’ve struggled myself throughout my life and it’s really challenging to navigate in a relationship.

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