1. Last night I was playing duo fills trying to get my challenges done, but I would not leave when the other person got to choose first and took valk. I viewed it as taking turns. Long story short; one of the games I loaded into there was a duo stomping everyone, and they found me in the 3rd circle as a solo since my duo died and left. We messed around and they let me stay alive till the final circle closed to help with my challenges :)

  2. Fix matchmaking in pubs. Especially for newer players like myself itā€™s extremely frustrating to have the champion squad every game be a duo stack of two people who both have the 20 bomb badge and 10k+ career kills when I barely have 250 career killsšŸ˜­. Playing ranked and being in gold lobbies feels much more realistic to my skill level when in fights. Late night might be a little difficult when everyone goes to bed but during the day thereā€™s definitely enough people playing for some matchmaking

  3. Serious question, does any online game right now NOT have cheaters to some extent? Especially on pc.

  4. This. At this point itā€™s up to anti cheat to step up their service by A LOT. the amount of hackers on every game is through the roof right now. Had to take a little break from fortnite because I was dying to rage hackers every other game in unreal zero build lobbies. I donā€™t see the fun in it at all, but the problem seems to getting worse by the day

  5. This is only possible with 0 ping*. My gun is NOT shooting that fast on 50-60 ping

  6. Nah not only on 0 ping, currently i'm on roughly 30 ping

  7. You touched single digits multiple times in this clip lol

  8. Am I using the wrong light? If so what would someone recommend. I bought this for cyanotype and thought it seemed applicable here as well

  9. Iā€™m not joking when I say this; last night in duo pubs me and my boy died to people 5 games in a row who had the 20 bomb badge. We are both very new to the game this season each only having 50-100 hours on it. The matchmaking doesnā€™t seem to be very helpful in terms of progressing my skill. We have a much better time playing ranked being in silver-gold lobbies since it feels like the people we are fighting are actually at our skill level most of the time and not hitting every single bullet. We tried to do some pubs so we could work on more basic gun skill and get some fights in, impossible haha.

  10. Thereā€™s a skill to not getting headshot sniped when the sniper in the meta has one bullet in the clip. Itā€™s a high risk, high reward gun. The problem with the one in the loot pool currently and what makes it the most over powered in all of Fortnite is the 3 bullet mag (5 with drum LOL). Thereā€™s zero room for error because you can immediately shoot again with no repercussions. With the bolt it took a decent half second to aim down sight, so there was no quick scoping of any extent like there is now. And then it took another decent second to reload the gun so the enemy has time to make a play. Right now youā€™re severely punished for basically ever peaking against players who arent even the best. I stopped carrying the snipers myself a month or two ago and just shockwave on everyone who wants to fight me. I found these people tend to rely on the sniper a lot more and when I go fight them upclose itā€™s much more free

  11. If you guys havenā€™t realized by now, thereā€™s a maximum percent you can achieve per game in each rank accordingly. For elite it is 20%, and for champion it is 15%. I mostly play solos so Iā€™ve been able to gauge lots of different games with different factors and kills. You are supposed to be having consistently good games to be able to reach the max rank in Fortnite. Just because you had one lucky good squad game you think you should be speedrunning through champs?

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