1. nu mai bine raspunzi la intrebare daca stii decat sa trimiti omul la plimbare? ce i cu arogantele astea?

  2. Cu ce il ajuta ca lumea de pe redit ii zic traditiile de nasi? Sa cumpere lumanari cu flori, sa fure/rascumpere mireasa, sa vina cu alauiul de nunta sa ia mireasa de acasa etc.

  3. Cum am zis, asta era singura opțiune, m-am informat cu privire la vreme și mi-am asumat.

  4. Nu am fost in egipt dar am fost in cipru in august. Iti recomand crema cu spf 50 si palarie/sapca oricand iesi din casa. La plaja luam tot timpu sezlong cu umblea.

  5. Cum i-ai convins sa iti semneze contractul aditional si sa nu trebuiasca dosar, mers la notar, etc.? Ai mers cu o alta oferta de la banca?

  6. Aveam credit tot la Raiffeisen. Daca ramai la aceasi banca nu trebuie notar/evaluator etc. doar semnezi un act aditional la contractul actual.

  7. Si eu am fost in agentie si mi-au zis ca pentru a beneficia de oferta comerciala de la momentul respectiv, cel cand am fost in agentie, trebuie evaluare noua si vizita la notar.

  8. Eu chiar saptamana trecuta am fost in agentie (de 2 ani aveam creditul). Au zis ca nu e “refinantare” e o oferta de retentie a clientiilor existenti. Mi-au zis ca oferta era pana in 30.04 dar intreaba poate au alta oferta acuma.

  9. Cum am zis mai sus, depinde de proiect. Sunt proiecte la care loghezi fiecare jumate de ora cum zic cativa pe aici si proiecte unde loghezi 8 ore pe acelasi task si gata. Daca iti faci treaba nimeni nu verifica daca chiar lucrezi 8 ore, doar trebuie sa fie logate 8 ore (cea ce mi se pare normal din moment ce ei te platesc pt 8 ore).

  10. Ca orice companie de outsourcing: depinde pe ce proiect intrii, cum e clientul si cum e echipa.

  11. i might try them next sale! i’ll swatch in person first tho bc im not pale so they might not show up on me? that’s what ppl seem to say

  12. I’m really pale so maybe I’m not the right person to answer your questions:)

  13. I am also really pale (MAC NW10)! Which of the hourglass powders work for you? I’ve been eyeing them for a while, but I’ve also read that they wear too dark for really light skin tones

  14. I used dim light, diffused light and mood light. In winter mood light was more like a blush.

  15. In locul tau le-as cumpara chestii comestibile: gen un cozonac, o bautura, miere, ulei de masline, ciocolata. Aranjate într-un cos frumos sau plasa de cadou. Lucruri care poate nu si-ar cumpara ei din banii lor dar de care se bucura.

  16. Grishaverse (Shadow and bone trilogy) I think the most they do is kiss.

  17. i heard some bad things about her but idc about the author i just care if the book is good

  18. Some people only consider a book good if the writing is good and the content is a complex story with really well written characters.

  19. I’m not much of a swiftie but her albums Folklore and Evermore were actually pretty decent with some narrative depth. The rest are….not.

  20. This new album also has some amazing lyrics with deep meaning. But of course people choose the worst of them (or some out of context) and act like the whole album is stupid.

  21. It’s so interesting that any singer can sing any shitty/stupid lyrics and nobody says anything. Taylor Swift realises an album and overnight everyone has an opinion/is an expert in analysing English phrases.

  22. Is there specific brands or products you recommend?

  23. Biore UV aqua rich (a blue packaging). It’s the only sunscreen my husband accepts to put on his face as it is not greasy.

  24. Exactly, I don’t know why reddit is recommending me that subreddit, but every time I check a post about Taylor: it’s only hate

  25. Casa noua 120mp cu incalzire in pardoseala, cel mai mult am platit 580lei gazul (tin 20-21 grade).

  26. 140mp, iarna consum doar la gaz aprox 1500 lei pe luna, incalzesc o camera si o baie. Vara 400-500 lei pe luna fara gaz doar curentul elctric si apa.

  27. Wow. Stau in casa noua 120mp cel mai mult am platit gazul 580lei si incalzesc toata casa la 20-21 grade.

  28. Depinde de la bloc la bloc. Cand mergi sa vizitezi, dute si cu cineva care se pricepe la constructii.

  29. I’ve read until book 5 (which I didn’t finish). Yes the first book or two were great but then it got all political-religious and it was really boring for me (read them as a teenager).

  30. Dune 5 (Heretics of Dune) - it was a long time ago so I don’t even remember what happens in the book but I remember I liked the first few books but then it got more political-religious and I found it boring. I didn’t even finish book 5

  31. I have eufyCam 2 Pro (one homebase and 3 battery powered cameras) for about 2 years.

  32. Miere de albine e numele generic, toate tipurile de miere sunt “de albine”.

  33. Astept si eu sa primesti un raspuns pt ca as vrea sa fac acelasi lucru (sa trec creditul pe codebitor).

  34. Nu imi dau seama daca chiar gandesti asa sau faci misto (ma refer aici la propunerile tale).

  35. Did you wash it and had water stay in the middle of the leaves (I don’t know how to explain it)?

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