1. He got to eliminate one part of the gauntlet. It was one shot.

  2. Yeah, this is like the easiest deal to pull off if they are really motivated to do so.

  3. I don't hate him, but dude screams liability that isn't worth it.

  4. Bingo, cannot believe anyone is sympathizing for him. Especially after getting a ridiculously generous bonus

  5. Other wild part is - doing this and knowing the strain it puts on your overworried parents.

  6. They should have installed one of those emergency wash stations

  7. Also - putting it upstairs was another weird move.

  8. Jersey Jerry didn't need any new business once he became the golf pro.

  9. On the plus for BFW - bank account stays tighter.

  10. Honestly though, the league this way is way more interesting

  11. Well, I wouldn't be as worried about my drinking consumption.

  12. Finally move out of my hometown. I haven't lived here forever, but I'd have the security for once to take a risk.

  13. Not many at all. I usually load up 2 plates. 3 at most.

  14. It’s about time someone realized listeners will give you money to read their message / interact with chat

  15. Yeah, it's baffling that other shows/all the shows aren't doing this.

  16. Rules though that in like the 2 rounds Nick got on commentary he crushed it.

  17. This is me. And also I live in such a small town.

  18. Channeling anger into arts and crafts. Very constructive.

  19. Not even saying the Yak slot is necessarily the best for it. But when the show is off this week and that slot is entirely open. Well, maybe programming something to when a lot of people are use to watching things is a good idea.

  20. Loved how immediately he was like if I'm in charge, a lot of people would be fired. Dude rocks.

  21. The Yak the only Sirius show to survive being cut to an hour and a half to accommodate Barstool Radio being two hours is complete and absolute bull shit!!!!!

  22. Which they then moved to not in the Yak room. Wtf.

  23. Agreed especially when he couldn’t tell if everyone was joking. Very awkward to watch

  24. On the plus - brother also just learned that's even less work he's gotta do.

  25. It probably remains the most true love of my life if I have to be honest.

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