1. Happy birthday! My birthday is tomorrow so we both get early birthday presents!!!

  2. I want it it to be a cardboard cutout of him in a regular doll box

  3. STOOOOP. If EKT ends up being a stranger danger jingle I'm gonna LOSE it 😭

  4. Darren Hayes? I think there was a video of him saying there's demos he's embarrassed about and wish weren't put online when someone mentioned EKT.


  6. Hey there! I’m a local vocal producer for recording artists. I have a couple of remote vocal coaches/teachers I could refer you to. I don’t know local coaches unfortunately.

  7. It's alright! I'd unfortunately need in person classes as I'm better with learning that way.

  8. I make this all the time. Adding a can of mixed veggies is good too.

  9. Didn’t expect to see claims about titan sub exploding being fake.

  10. My mom is so annoying with that, because when it was happening, she would just say "I'm not quite sure I believe that!" And then not elaborate.

  11. The whole thing about a potential lead who had died reminds me of the Defunctland video about the Disney Channel jingle.

  12. I was just thinking about this a few minutes ago. Maybe we need Kevin on the job!

  13. Beehives will always produce honey, but grow a flower within 5 spaces and the honey will be worth more money. Wild honey is worth 140g, whereas fairy rose honey is worth 952g. I currently have about 70 beehives on ginger island with only a couple flowers and it's an easy 70k every four days.

  14. This post hit me like a truck. I had that exact same set as a kid and remember opening it vividly. Thank you!!

  15. Was Koichi affiliated with Sony at any point in time? Could it be possible that a Sony demo disk was made with EKT on it?

  16. dramatic gasp I FORGOT THAT I HAD THOOOOOSEEE awwww

  17. The note written on the hospice care paper made my heart hurt.

  18. Mine says they're coming Tues and weds, which threw me for a loop too, but I also did get a free prime membership because of the order amount 😅 I sure hope they arrive quickly but I'm unsure since they're pre-order.

  19. i know 😭😭 i had to secure them all too but it will be so worth it to see them on my shelf omg

  20. The thing is is that I never got Spectra or Abbey, lost literally all of Ghoulias clothes and accessories, lost Deuce, and then apparently shaved OG Cleos head and lost all of her clothes when I was a kid. I was so happy when they announced wave 2 😭😭

  21. What's insane is that iirc they had the "artist" being constantly shouted out through the loudspeakers for signings of "real genuine Pensacon talent". You can't make this shit up.

  22. Facebook Marketplace/Ebay or consider donating them to the bookstore downtown that gives them to the prisons.

  23. That's a good idea! I didn't know that was a thing.

  24. What kind of books are you looking to sell? I might be able to point you in the right direction! 

  25. Just a bunch of random books! I have a MASSIVE classics collection (lots of Romanticism too lol) and some contemporary novels but not a lot.

  26. More like choose a new fashion stylist! The second outfit is downright treacherous!

  27. I love that you found this! Even if it doesn't have EKT, it's gonna be so much fun to go through. Totally one for the archive divers 💜

  28. PSA: These items are from a smoking home (my mom used to smoke) but have been stored in a tight container for over a decade. All items will also be washed extensively before shipping and handling to ensure any smoke smell will be gone! :)

  29. PSA: These items are from a smoking home (my mom used to smoke) but have been stored in a tight container for over a decade. All items will also be washed extensively before shipping and handling to ensure any smoke smell will be gone! :)

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