1. I put in pokes I want to be able to feed berries for candy. If someone wants to take over a gym they will do it, you having a Blissey or Shuckle doesn't matter. Only gym defense is feeding berries.

  2. Jag blev visiterad förre sommaren utanför en liten festival. Blev stoppad för alkoholkontroll tre gånger först på typ 15 minuter. Den 3e gången så kände kostapeln igen mig och trodde att jag höll på leverera något. Tyvärr så var det inga narkotika men ett litet lass abborre och mört för kollegan skulle åka ut och fiska kräftor dagen därpå. Polisen blev lite miffad när jag berättade om min ”leverans” 😂

  3. Du: "Jag levererar bara abborre och mört konstapeln"

  4. Så iklädd i mörka kläder med huva uppdragen och döljer sina händer också dvs att du har gjort ett ganska bra jobb för att det ska vara svårt att beskriva dig, sedan även om det inte är skymning så är det ju inte så att det är en halvdag tills det blir mörkt.

  5. Gick det över av sig själv eller hur gick det? Jag måste läsa på vad det innebär. För jag har aldrig hört talats om ”spoofing”. Känns lite obehagligt

  6. Ja, scammers byter ofta vilket nummer som det visas att dom ringer från.

  7. In what way do you have to spend extra time doing it though? Feel free to finish this in 6 months if you like.

  8. Yes that is it! its a marketing campaign to bring back old players. Its right in the name "rediscover". what would a returning player need? XP and stardust. Depending on when they left they already will be getting the pokedex entries just from spawns. Make it fermilyer and give them a boost of a resource they will really need.

  9. Some people (myself included) play games to collect rare things. Taking those rare things and handing several dozen out to every player ruins their exclusivity (thereby tanking their desirability), and it removes what might otherwise be a compelling in-game goal.

  10. IDK man, just seems kinda selfish to me, you being sad because your shiny will be valued less in trades. Do you also save every nundo you get just because it's rare?

  11. Even if you think shinies are too common, why not then aim for 3* shiny? Or even shundo?

  12. What could be the real reason for this? Corruption is how russia works, its installed in the system. Its like accusing him of drinking vodka on duty.

  13. I’m interested to see the rest of the results, I am in Berlin (6 hours ahead of EST) and I caught two shiny trubbish, my friend caught 4, and we couldn’t even play the whole time, seriously maybe only about 30 min.

  14. I'm in the same time zone as you and I got 4 shiny too.

  15. This is very off topic sorry for that, but I just spent about an hour around a lake near me, no Wig, have you found any near lakes specifically?

  16. I saw one on the "nearby poke" but I didn't go to it.

  17. Most boxes suck. And they show you expensive boxes because they want you to buy coins with real money.

  18. Well for starters, typically the best IVs for Great and Ultra League are 0/15/15, not that it will have a huge impact if you're just starting out, but something to think about. But ignore PVP IVs for now, and just get good ranked pokemon.

  19. Feed 3 berries first, otherwise it looks good.

  20. Not to poop on your parade but a wild shundo is roughly a 1 in 2 million chance of happening. Your best bet is trading shinies with a lucky friend.

  21. Hade det? Ukraina bombar Belgorod titt som tätt men det bryr ni er inte om, Hamas raketer som dödar ingen gör ni dock.

  22. Klart som fan det hade. Det Ukraina gör i Belgorod och det Hamas gjorde den 7:e oktober går liksom inte att likställa...

  23. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/b/2/540581.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwip69HQgNmFAxVyExAIHS7gDq8QFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0ZN-J7aXUnk5xAjWaoNcvO

  24. You don't even have to complete a game of training with team leaders, you can top left instantly.

  25. Avoid this subreddit until you've completed the game.

  26. But nato shouldn't even go further east:

  27. Russia shouldn't go further west, but here we are.

  28. I think Russia has this backwards, countries join NATO because Russia is an aggressive imperialist shithole that can't be cooperated with.

  29. Sure, if you feel like you don't need the number 1 rock attacker.

  30. I've had both. I actually like hakarl, but surströmming was pretty foul. Never eaten surströmming the intended way though, just straight up.

  31. So pretty bad judge if you haven't eaten surströmming correctly then.

  32. Which isn't a lot, you get like 13k extra for doing 100km.

  33. With him, yes- I was getting tepig candies too to evolve my other baby to pignite. Its very slow though either way [ I have mobility issues but try to go walking a bit every few days. ]

  34. Ah if you have mobility issues that would explain it. In that case I would suggest tanking in PVP to get rare candies.

  35. What are the odds of hatching a shundo from an egg?

  36. Same as getting one from field research on a non-comm day. Both have IV floors of 10/10/10.

  37. Only 1,936,000 until you’re on drop rate!

  38. Well, ironically the best way to get rare candies is from doing pvp.

  39. It really is a game changer. I avoided PvP for years and years. Finally got into it and I finally feel like I have stardust and rare candy to power things up.

  40. Agreed. I started playing PVP again basically right at the new year, I've gotten over 3.4 million dust so far and hundreds of rare candy by simply tanking my rating.

  41. I do my fair share of both, granted I don’t full-on grind on those days. I just figured I would’ve gotten at least one by now bleh. Guess that’s why they’re rare.

  42. Even on a raid day with 10% shiny chance, there is still only 1 in 2160 to get shundo. Legendary raids are at 1 in 4320 for shundo, same for field research on comm days. And those are the GOOD odds. Getting a wild non-weatherboosted shundo is 1 in over 2 million chance.

  43. Thank you, I Wanted to use it as a steel attacker. I got plenty of other dragons. All tough I have a few shadow metagroses

  44. Shadow Metagross is the best steel attacker, so not sure Dialga will be that useful to you then :)

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