1. Omniverse figures definitely dropped in quality. They had more consistent articulation, and more articulation than some of the other Ben 10 figures that had released for previous series. It had 9 points of articulation for almost all of the figures (an exception I can think of off the top of my head being Malware with 6 points of articulation) which is the same amount of articulation that the better figures from the previous series had.

  2. Yes this is exactly what I was talking about the quality became worse and bandai didnt get to see the programming schedule which made the toyline worse mostly because of CN.

  3. 1:- Hulk (I just love the duality between Bruce and Hulk also both of their struggles and also just big green giant boi)

  4. Bro I would turn into Diamondhead shoot some diamonds and sell them maybe use upgrade to fix tech or maybe even make a circus using the aliens so basically anything that can make me money.

  5. It is in my opinion the most rewatchable Spiderman film and also love Andrew's acting

  6. I would make Joe Keery Nightwing since Dick is supposed to be older then Jason and Darce is older then Finn but i would maybe make Finn Superboy since Finn looks like Superboy's design in the 90s

  7. I don't live in Egypt but as someone who is collecting ben 10 figures. In a country in which it was already hard finding ben 10 UAF and ben 10 Omniverse figures when those shows were airing. Your best bets are either yard sales/thrift stores or a online shopping website. As that is where I got most of my classic, UAF and Omniverse figures from. Though if you want reboot you could maybe find on shelves or online.

  8. It would be a great movie and end up getting cancelled because it was a Guillermo Del Torro film.

  9. I was taking a huge shit while my family would have started to turn into dust

  10. Humungousaur. He is very over rated. He maybe a cool alien but he has a bland design and trash powers. The only powers he has is he will get bigger and strong boi. Four-arms is way better he has better design and also has strength. He was also very over used for no reason.

  11. OS ben 10k was the best of the OS xlr8 but times 100

  12. Bro these kids don't know PEMDAS lol dude at least try to make sure your answer is correct.

  13. bro Roblox hates when someone says goofy ah or even ah

  14. I remember hating these as a kid but I used to get Werther's because of it's caramel flavor now I have an entire bag of them at my house.

  15. but the thing is there are shirts with realistic abs but im the one getting a ban hell i would say there are worse shirts on roblox/

  16. Man I really want some action figures by NECA or something there will be four lines Original Goosebumps, Tv-show Goosebumps, Movie Goosebumps and Goosebumps Horrorland or a covers line in which its famous covers of Goosebumps books that are statues.

  17. 3 and 5 are not at all considered unpopular

  18. Yes, but people will still get angry basically most on the fandom.

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