1. Ignoring the whole AI drama very well done tribute to classic Scooby Doo, stop motion is a ridiculously time consuming medium so I respect the dedication it must’ve took.

  2. This was made in blender. This is cgi animation not stop motion.

  3. The competition has really been over for months, and this was just ensuring that this was the last episode after Simon died the one before. I would not be surprised if they actually all knew this was his plan. Alternatively maybe Simon killing Appsro at the start really just gave him the idea. idk. I get it why people don't like it though. It is not exactly "competitive", but like I already said this has been over for a long time. Anticlimactic is right, but in all seriousness how would it be interesting or properly climactic with Appsro going into the night with all 3 lives left?

  4. A great idea for a series that wound up very one sided around the back half of the episodes. Still outside of the original 7 Days series this ranks second for me in terms of 7 days's Neebs content. Very fun stuff with a very... wacky finale. Yeah, let's go with wacky.

  5. i mean if they went back to mook to animate them it could work

  6. Mook has been out of business for over a decade. Sadly that has not even been an option for a long time.

  7. Immense hate is extreme. More like immense apathy. Most of the "hate" is people calling this a 6 or 7 game which is not unfair, honestly. I will get downvoted for this, but I will share my biggest gripe with the game.

  8. You're right. Immense might have been the wrong word. I probably only got exposed to negative reviews/comments about the game and therefore I worded it this way. Coming to this subreddit I was actually very happy to see how many people here like the game and that was refreshing bc of all the hate I witnessed beforehand.

  9. Unless something is really wrong with a game(like Suicide Squad) the sub will generally be very positive towards it in my experience. I hope we get sales numbers for this game because I assume the random negativity you are describing is just people echoing what they have seen in videos from other people as opposed to playing the game. I may have problems with it, but I am still curious how well it is selling worldwide.

  10. I heard someone call PC players the vegans of gaming, and I think there is a lot of truth to that.

  11. I hope it does. This may be unpopular, but I thought the Mongols were boring villains. Making the game based in a more warring states setting could be great. A kurosawa film named Yojimbo has a Ronin wander into a town with 2 factions almost having a feud for who is in control, and he plays both sides for a while. Something like that where 2 sides have a mix of good, and bad that the player ultimately gets to pick who they side with/against. A choice system similar to Infamous in some ways. I like Ghost of Tsushima a lot, but honestly every bit of the game could be improved.

  12. I said this before: PS3 game is absurd, but the game does not look like a top tier PS5 game visually. If you are looking at footage on YouTube this looks like an early PS4 game. The game being published by Sony people expect a certain quality from the graphics, and this is not impressive. Some areas in the game look much worse than this. Also as other people have said art style is not the same thing as graphics. Also this is a 70$ PS5 only game. Which absolutely does matter.

  13. If you keep getting the same result what are you looking for? Why make a post to complain about it? You already know the show was widely hated. Especially by people who are in any way fans of Scooby-Doo.

  14. I don't know, I guess I was hoping to see any other Scooby Doo fans that liked it as well. 😞

  15. You are not going to find many people here to talk to about the show, and

  16. 0 humans look better with a septum piercing. Easily without.

  17. I still have the first one. Don't have a functioning VCR though.

  18. lazy repost. Unsure if bot account, or new burner account for someone.

  19. This is what people keep forgetting. Not every game is for everyone. Do the grown men on this sub realize how silly they sound saying that a game clearly being marketed to young girls is “too easy”? But yeah, I think young players will have a great time with this and it’ll be empowering to see a female protagonist take on so many diverse roles.

  20. A game being easy to complete is not a problem, but a game being simple is. Mario Odyssey is not hard to finish the main story. Getting good at the game though provides a lot more enjoyment. I see so many people saying that adults are not the target audience, and that just sounds like an excuse for this being a bad to mediocre game. You can make a game easy enough for a kid to beat, but with added challenges that can make it more rewarding for an adult to play. Nintendo have a large audience, and making this Peach's first game in over a decade feels like a disappointment for the character. I will play it at some point, but not for 60$.

  21. Are you aware that boba is just tapioca? Boba tea has gotten too expensive, and is absolutely not for everyone for sure. Drinks with an added texture like that is something you either find unique in a pleasing way, get used to, or apparently call "kraken embryos" which is a wild line.

  22. I didn’t see Susume in the Oscar nominees. I think you must be thinking of a different one. Unless you’re saying it was submitted to become a nominee, (but didn’t make it like Your Name and A Silent Voice in that year. Instead Red Turtle went in for the anime nomination that year.)

  23. It indeed was nominated on a different reward show that I am mixing up . Like most people I don't actually care about the Oscars, and saw someone else comment it here then just went with it. Needed to double check that. Do they really only allow one anime nominee per year though? That is pathetic, but sounds like what those people would want.

  24. Idk how the Oscars work in regards to the exact rules. In terms of anime though, I just know that those two movies got denied the nomination despite people going the mile to make them eligible. I remember that year and then to see not one was even a nominee. All for the Red Turtle to go in instead. And not win. Zootopia won that year.

  25. I have 0 problems with Zootopia winning, but I would have given it to either Your Name or Silent Voice over it. In my biased opinion. I still have not seen Red Turtle.

  26. Universally it is still Mickey Mouse. The 100 year old rodent has had some serious staying power.

  27. OP is a now deleted account. That makes sense, but how did this get so many up votes? What a weird take.

  28. I like the outfit, but she looks like she has a bad spray tan. When the art style switched to this there was inconsistency with the colors, and shading they used for everyone's skin tones. Daphne in a few movies looks orange.

  29. Spooky Space Kook with the whole throwing the key out of the window shenanigans.

  30. Akira Toriyama was a manga author and artist. Not an animator, or animation director... This is a weird post.

  31. I love the Arkham games, but the mass murderer versions of Joker don't make sense. Especially when he breaks out of Arkham on a regular basis to kill people again and again. He would either be given the death penalty, killed by the cops in a gun fight, killed by a rogue cop who shoots him in hand cuffs, killed by a civilian for revenge, killed by many of the other villains/criminals, or flat out die by accident from doing something stupid(which is what happens). He has 0 powers, or increased abilities. He has made way too many enemies, and it kind of feels like Batman is unintentionally protecting Joker from being killed by somebody else.

  32. The death penalty is illegal in New Jersey, the state Gotham is based in

  33. I get what you are trying to say, but this is a work of fiction. Being loosely based in New Jersey does not mean they have to use that real states laws. Now if they outright talked about how Joker was not receiving the death penalty that would be something, but I don't remember that happening. Definitely could have missed that though.

  34. I think this is a game that really needs a demo to get the much larger crowd that do not play team Ninja games to get a feel for what this is going to be. I actually did not buy Wo Long or Nioh because of playing the demos. They let me know they were not for me. My biggest concern is that Sony has very little expectations for this game, and that they are right. Hope that concern is wrong though.

  35. Penguin has some real combat ability. So do many other villains who normally don't. Can he beat the Batman 1 on 1? no. However he still has a lot of flash to his fighting style with his umbrella weapon and his wild acrobatic ability. The Batman is a more action driven show than what came before it, and for that time on Kids WB it was exactly what it needed to be. You can tell Duane Capizzi was a key part of Jackie Chan Adventures also worked on this show. The martial arts cinema inspiration is very evident in the action here as well.

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