1. Rampart might work, just shooting 22lr with the lil man before we go up to 556 and 762 :-) Thanks, I hadn’t thought of rampart. I remember the no shooting sign and rolling past far enough to shoot.

  2. Yes that's correct, you just have to drive deeper into the forest now. There are plenty of good places, that's where my Dad taught me. I recommend it.

  3. Nah. Putin can't afford to lose. Russian history is not kind to Czars who lose wars and he's willing to sacrifice his country's future to save his own skin.

  4. US needs to stop that, claim American grave or something...Damn Chinese...

  5. Place some explosive devices with motion fuses that are set to got off after a predictable delay. Let's say the average amount of time it takes for debris to be lifted to the surface. That way if anybody messes with a wreck, they will soon join the wreck at the bottom of the sea. Kind of poetic when you think about it. It's ideas like this why I can't be a politician...

  6. I’ve watched a lot of the live sessions the last few weeks. I am surprised at how dumb our congress members are, like shocking. Not just gun stuff, but common sense stuff on other laws.

  7. It's a real problem, in many other countries too. Seems political office has a way of attracting genuinely mediocre midwits, cowards, and grifters across the board.

  8. Fucking around and responsible use are two totally different things. It's the difference between launching bottle rockets out from the butt cheeks during drought season vs shooting from a stable launch platform while making sure the surroundings are not a fire hazard.

  9. I'm thinking Ukraine needs to develop some trash camo for Russian trench assaults. In place of fake foliage, dangling plastic bottles and rubbish bags.

  10. An airsofter has done that.  It's hilarious how he got the drop on them. 

  11. I just saw a case of green tips at my local pawn shop for $379. Then I noticed it was only 420 rounds.

  12. 2020 was especially bad. We had a an ultra massive wildfire, the Cameron Peak Fire that is the biggest in state history. There were also other smaller fires in the state and large fires in neighboring states. The air quality was so bad I had to leave the state for a week to get a break from all the allergies (I seem to be extra sensitive to smoke for some reason). Usually it's not that bad, but it's pretty normal to get haze from fires in the summer.

  13. Guess that means the fightlite MCR is cartel approved. Nice. Now if only I had cartel kind of money so I could afford one...

  14. Significant wins before November? How? There are not even enough newly mobilized conscripts to relieve or reinforce the frontline.

  15. Yeah.  The aid bill will likely help them to hold the line.  If they have ammunition, they've proven they can hold the line. But it's definitely not enough for an offensive.  Let alone a real offensive that might make a real difference.  They frankly didn't have enough for the 2023 offensive and they're in a worse position now.  Unfortunately, this election could determine the outcome of this war.

  16. Biden says xenophobia is the reason no one moves to Japan or China. With regards to Japan he's right. But with regards to China, I'm pretty sure no one actually wants to immigrate there. 

  17. Yep.  Pretty much the only ppl claiming to want to move to China are delusional tankie teens.

  18. Add Colorado to that.  I went to the state GOP convention as a delegate.  I realized right then and there the CO GOP will never win a statewide race likely for decades.  The vast majority of the people there are totally out of touch with reality. 

  19. The wild thing is that Republicans could absolutely compete in Colorado if they were smart about things. They elected a Senator less than a decade ago and they were winning more overall votes in the state house up until 2016.

  20. Oh since you brought up ideological purity. The state party has abandoned their policy of neutrality. The state party openly endorses candidates when they should be unbiased. Extremely unethical. The state chairman openly mocked Haley delegates with them present. He also sent out a questionnaires to state level candidates asking them for thier thoughts on Trump, and current GOP ideological fads, which is quite literally a purity test. Oh don't forget, this is also the same guy who used state party resources for his own congressional campaign. So we can add unapologetic corruption there as well.

  21. Except that they're not.  I'm a mechanic and I practically collect these things.  The drive line components are decently well made and rarely fail without cause.  Simple, and easy to fix with almost everything easy to get to.  Which imho is how all cars should be designed and made.  It rare to find a vehicle this well designed for ease maintenance.  My primary SL1 is soon approaching 500,000 miles.  I will never get rid of it.  What's a trash vehicle?  PT cruiser.  The literal opposite of everything I mentioned, among many others.

  22. Home invader - "Ohhhh no please don't shoot me I'm pregnant I got a baby!"

  23. New shells finally hitting the front? Haven't seen stuff like this in awhile.

  24. I didn't watch it, but I can tell you pretty much everybody in Poland is happy that government fell, including leftists. As matter of fact a lot of what solidarność wanted was pretty leftist, like allowing for independent workers unions to be legal. Also that government was literally breaking worker's strikes, including shooting workers few times.

  25. Tankies will just plug their ears and make noises when they hear this. Also, any former Eastern Block person's opinion who's not Russian, or some old person looking at their youth with rose tinted glasses (who more often than not came from privileged backgrounds in the USSR) is irrelevant. Otherwise fuck you, you're not allowed to have an opinion. "Oh, that uncle in your family that the Russians deported to Siberia and disappeared for no reason? You're lying. Never happened, and if it did he probably deserved it." Pretty much very tankie I've interacted with has some sort of axe to grind with Polish people.

  26. It’s probably because the Poles put up heavy resistance, and thus tankies hate the Polish people for breaking the already basically nonexistent illusion that the people of Eastern Europe wanted to be soviet puppet country’s, and that the the soviet system was anywhere near Democracy or Socialism

  27. Yep.  Their ideology fundamentally does not line up with and exist within the confines of reality.  Polish peoples collective historical experience, aka reality pretty much invalidates their ideology right off from the starting line.  It's like how young Earth creationists hate radiocarbon dating.

  28. Genuine question as a leftist who doesn't think Biden has really gone left too much, what things has he done that you consider veering hard left

  29. The issue with the whole left right thing is everyone has thier own opinion on what it means and almost nobody uses the academic definition. So most of the time people aren't even talking about the same thing while using the same words. I prefer to use the term leans hard democratic. He is still in the big picture a corporate dem. The fact people think he's some sort of super radical is hilarious. Even on the culture war stuff he's nothing at all like a San Fran progressive. Though on some things like 2A issues he is the most anti 2A president since Clinton which does learns hard democratic. Imho, this does hurt him a bit some independents. I myself would rate him much higher if he had more of an Obama approach.

  30. Not used to seeing “adapt” and “Russia” in the same sentence.

  31. Unfortunately, they do. That's how they win wars. Typically they tend to suck ultra bad in the beginning with eye watering casualties. They eventually adapt enough to where they can just make it over the edge. Still with insane casualties, but they adapt just enough were they out last their opponent if the war goes on long enough. Given their demographics, this is probably the last war they can do that though. Anyways, this is why I was writing unhappy letters to my politicians to stop bitching about escalation and send advanced weapons ASAP. Their dithering will and has made this war far worse than it should've been.

  32. There are about a gazillion car washes on Interquest, which isn't really that long of a road (before it becomes highway 83).

  33. And all of these food joints are still in business. Ngl they've got some bomb tacos. I've always wondered what came of the investigation.

  34. When people start dumping them I plan on buying them cheap and convert them to V8s.

  35. One of my dream projects is a mid engine Tesla with a cummins diesel tuned to roll coal with double stacks out the sun roof. Does it make sense? Absolutely not. I'm just that eccentric local neighborhood car guy with a bizarre sense of humor.

  36. OP is in the US, and they're looking for an excuse to creep on young women. The culture around when and how adulthood begins is a bit difficult in Germany, so the rules are different as well - that isn't relevant to OP though, because they aren't in Germany.

  37. Are they really frowned upon in real life? Or is it just twats on the Internet. Unless the younger person is like 18 dating someone much older, if the younger partner is say 25+ I can't imagine they would get much pushback even if some people thought it was a bit odd.

  38. In real life most people are like whatever and don't care or will judge if it's good or bad on an individual basis.  Some people will quietly grumble about it.  But most of the the screaming over it and is an online thing.  Reddit especially.

  39. Hand tightened the camshaft sprocket bolt on a inline four rebuild. Got distracted, came back and forgot I didn't actually tighten the bolt. Put the engine in, started the engine. Ran for a few min then it quit. Bent valves, ruined pistons, sheared off the camshaft key that mates up to the sprocket. Bad, bad, day.

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