1. Just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t mean they’re gaslighting

  2. Just because someone has a different recollection of an event doesn’t mean they’re gaslighting, either.

  3. I’ve dated people where everything was amazing and then shit hit the fan after the third date. I’ve dated people where the first three dates were decent and nothing special but then everything went to the next level after that. My current girlfriend falls into the latter category. So personally, I would still go on those dates.

  4. I like how that sentence can mean exact opposite things at the same time. A quantum sentence.

  5. Missing out on a relationship with an adult son or daughter. Of course, there is no guarantee of a good relationship happening.

  6. This. Overall I’m happy I don’t have kids, but there is a part of me that wants that adult relationship with my kids.

  7. Stay the fuck out of this situation. It already looks messy as fuck and nothing has even happened yet.

  8. Didn't really work very well as women would just send something like "hi" and then expect the guy to drive conversation. It was a mere technicality.

  9. True, but that is a great filter to eliminate low effort individuals.

  10. Yep, it is. Which makes being able to filter that quickly even more important to me.

  11. Then I am even more confused why people dont run it more, its perfect for bugs like AC for bots.

  12. I run quasar instead. It’s much better again chargers and can still plug holes, albeit slower.

  13. Literally undocumented, in fact.

  14. Start sexually harassing him. Slap his ass, grab his junk, kiss on his neck unsolicited, surprise shoulder rubs. Low self-esteem men don’t believe women when they are given compliments. We have to be shown, not told.

  15. TIL it’s called pleasure kink and that’s what I have. I’ve never solicited it like this before.

  16. What bad times or difficulties have you two experienced together? Everyone is great when things are going good. You start to see a person's true self when shit hits the fan.

  17. I introduced a woman I've been into to a friend. I've known this woman isn't interested in anything serious, but it's still been hard to move that out of my head. Now that I've gotten my friend's opinion though, it just feels so much easier to look at her realistically. It's like my very untrustworthy brain isn't trying to figure it out alone. I love having friends.

  18. Everyone has rose colored glasses with someone they like, you're not alone.

  19. When she told me she almost cheated on me 6 months prior. We could have worked through that had we been in a good relationship, but I was borderline on breaking up anyway.

  20. Quite a big buff to patrols, but it makes sense now that we have numbers. Speaking of, can you please try to tell the team that good and informative patch notes would be welcome? A lot of people complaining about this would have probably not done so if we knew what the change was from the get go. And this goes for everything, please give us actual numbers instead of text that can be misunderstood.

  21. They are simultaneously great at communication and terrible at it.

  22. If they honestly think he was a 1st round guy, that’s an easy trade to make.

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