1. I'm curious if they were using one of those full face masks.

  2. My in-law bought one of those from Costco and I tried it out spearfishing a week or two ago; love it to have a hands-free GoPro mount, but they're tricky and don't have a very reliable seal. Great for if you just plan to snorkel though and keep your face at the surface.

  3. I've heard there is a high risk from using those, is easier to shallow water blackout. There's been conversations about them here before. Id caution to not use them.

  4. My boomer dad was in the Army Reserves (or something) in the 70's. He saw no combat and basically drove a jeep around for a few months.

  5. It's funny, i find people who didn't really do much in the military are all like "respect me I'm a vet, i did military things" and make it their life. People who have done shit don't typically talk about it or want any kind of recognition.

  6. Yes, SCOTUS justices such as Alito are eagerly inserting fetal personhood into their arguments as in the EMTALA case just heard. It hasn’t penetrated their pea brains that those pregnant women with a serious complications who are being turned away from the ED not only may die from said complication but the fetus as well. Unbelievable stories coming out on a regular basis, one woman famously miscarrying in a lobby restroom in a Texas ED after staff refused to check her in. One woman turned away by a security guard and found out the next day when she returned that fetus had no heart beat. Another woman gave birth in a car as ED wouldn’t offer

  7. Are these medical treatment facilities protected from refusal of care that ultimately caused a death? I mean if driving someone out of state makes you an accomplice, how does direct refusal of care play into it?

  8. Bullshit. Bill would never facetime, Microsoft Teams is what he would talk to us on

  9. I have zero faith Microsoft uses their own products, why else would it be such shit?

  10. Our policy is to have only like hgtv or food Network in public spaces, no news, at our military hospital. Someone somehow got one of the busier tvs on newsmax. Absolutely not ok... I'm impressed some of the vets wear the same garbage and are vocal in the same manner.

  11. Samsung is the worst, they do not do their own repairs....

  12. Their software is custom to each TV, as far as i could tell, and is immediately unsupported upon release. We started losing apps and functionality on our smart tv. So now it's a dumb tv with a roku attached. Not buying another Samsung product.

  13. Wouldn't it be in Super Earth's best interest to not nerf everything to more effectively bring democracy to the galaxy?

  14. I used to be in the military, and I've put a fair amount of thought into this.

  15. Who adjudicates for that determination? Like a millitary justice? Who decides and how would they evaluate the like legal interpretation of when such an order is violative constitutionally speaking?

  16. Honestly, it was something i was a little worried about. Serving 20 years and losing my retirement because of an insurrection succeeding and not sweating fealty to the leader. Being tried in the military justice system replaced by loyal members...

  17. Oh like how we switched to Genesis and lost functionality that the mtf had, that other mtf retained. It's like they didn't build a universal system and mtfs could not purchase the full system.

  18. This coming less than 24 hours after a 41yo lady "for some unknown reason" drifted across and hit 6 motorcycles head on.

  19. I've found that each step can introduce a small amount of error that overall contributes to not being able to trip over your points. Print quality of the maps, how fine the point you mark, how you read the protractor, magnetic influence around you when you point your compass, drifting while you walk and losing sight of your target or back azimuth....

  20. Dude! I'm playing keepy uppy, ground is lava, and magic xylophone with the Heeler family, and that's just perfect. I'm lucky

  21. I haven't really had a positive experience with Harley riders. Also I'm hesitant to buy another bike due to my lack of trust of other drivers. I-95 is why i stopped riding.

  22. Just bought the Toto Washlet. Normally $400 was at Costco for $300. We've had a $50 bidet for 6 years and it's been amazing, but a recent trip to Japan made me realize what I've been missing. Coming home to our $50 bidet was disappointing, hence the upgrade.

  23. It was fraudulent arson to justify buying trump Bibles... Probably. Also as a way to play victim... Probably.

  24. My mentor had good oer, but he said he was usually the only guy at ostg without his efmb. He definitely had fights he was at a disadvantage because of it too. He also said he was 2 time select but not seated for ile due to no combat patch either. Still a schedule LTC at retirement, but had to work a little harder than necessary.

  25. She’s was told to take off the hat or be removed.

  26. These people were angry about decorum and the clothing that Senator Fetterman would wear, but the generation that was mad about wearing hats indoors is fine with this. Oh and the t shirt under the suit jacket... I'm sure there's more

  27. Smoking will give you many times more radiation than any nuclear power plant.

  28. You're inhaling materials that break down and emit alpha particles. These are heavy particles (helium atom with out electrons) so it steals electrons creating free radicals in water. While an alpha is stopped by plastic and the outer layer of skin, inside your body it does a lot more damage. The radicals create localized areas of cellular damage.

  29. Coal ash that gets stored is more toxic and radioactive than the waste from a nuclear reactor, and can leech into the ground. Those reservoirs collapse more often than nuclear waste is released, but no one pays attention to that.

  30. Didn't need to go to buds to want to go home, that was every day for 9.5 years in the Navy

  31. You don't have to report it if it's less than 0.5 g. But all those servings add up, and it's not zero it's just unaccounted for

  32. Nice normal stock android, I've been against all the company skins this whole time. The only thing Samsung does best is kids mode, I'd pay $20 for it.

  33. 20 times the United States government has shut down since the 70s it's all political bullshit.

  34. I looked into this a couple months ago. More than half the number of shutdowns that have happened in my life have happened since I started military service. It's always nice to know annually i might not get paid to go to work.

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