1. Why the fuck do I want to play with cheaters all day. Pve from here on out fuck your stick figures esp

  2. Right? I had someone taking pictures of my camp the other day and was so jazzed about it, I had to tell my other half.

  3. I took pics of some guys pirate ship camp he made on the river… now it’s my loading screen. Love it

  4. Pve servers sound like it would get extremely boring

  5. Eh SP tarky and pve server so far is like playing against roaming rogues and raiders mostly easy but every now and then you run into a chad kitted one that catches you on a reload or 4 ambush you in a open spot. Longer you stay in raid the more they swarm it seems

  6. Everyone seems to be thinking it’s offline when it’s a pve coop server. Stop using the term offline it’s a different mode even when logging into the pve server you can choose an offline raid which won’t allow progression save.

  7. My pmc from escape from tarkov.. lvl 58. Maxed out str, end, health, metabolism. Functioning prewar weapons, tactical know how. Lvl 19 sniping.. probably take over a subway hideout somewhere. Befriend mr pikeman, mercenary work for BoS, trade with minute men, raid the labs of institute. Basically eft with the radiation enabled in game finally. Boy would wear the shit out of some power armor. Way better than a zabralo

  8. I say many butt in reality it was about 7 interviews I've gotten.

  9. 7 interviews and no dice? Start looking inwards either you have bad communication skills or awkward as hell. Judging by your post history I’d say quirky. Tone it down a bit and clean up a lot more if you want more than a warehouse. Sadly you arnt being judged on your own merits but grouped in with preconceived notions of anyone else that resembles your vibe. Example I flat out won’t hire people with that aqua pond scum colored streaks in their hair. Havnt had one work out once in 20 yrs of hiring. Just to damn socially awkward to get along with the teams/ had to many personal issues. Exceptions to every rule but walking into an interview with strikes against that you have to overcome is difficult. Current TikTok making its rounds with a chick face tatted up and 20’or piercings can’t get a job. Hiring manager responded to those vids herself very tatted and gave some hard truths about impression etc

  10. Nope. ULPT: open up a blank word document or/notepad app on your PC, and then put something heavy on your space bar.

  11. They make mouse pads that jiggle just so you appear to be at work… most company laptops have key loggers built into them from my experiences. I don’t do anything personal on them no logging into anything other than work but pop my mouse on the jiggle pad and play tarkov/ fallout on my other computer… quad monitor mounts.. bottom two are for me top two is work. Get a ping or email just look up type on wireless keyboard for 5min and go back to my game

  12. I don't see it in the list but I take it you have F4SE installed as well. That would be a requirement for some of those mods to work.

  13. Yea f4se is loaded vortex doesn’t launch the game with out it. I’m kinda perplexed how enter the wasteland wasn’t completed back in 2015 but who knows.

  14. Do some googling I was able to buy one… I’m sure you can find one somewhere

  15. I still can’t believe people scav there

  16. Bitcoin, ledx, redrebels, labs cards what’s not to love looting woods?

  17. I hardly spawn in woods with more than 17min left in raid… out in 12. You crawling the whole map or something?

  18. Laughs in instock audit. Looking for that hdmi to lightning cable? Sorry couldn’t key out the 60 that were just stuffed in a bag. But your website said it was instock. Yea no one had the labor to cycle count that.

  19. Uline is their vendor that’s via pace inside of iprocurement. Many of the tools and equipment that is standard throughout the company is purchased from them. So if you want anything else or just feel like ordering 2000 zip ties at a time

  20. What the other guy said. Don't know why you'd wanna tho, after going through the missions.

  21. I’d have it stuffed above the mantel

  22. This ain't real hunting either. You ever go hunting and use hunter sense where blood trails and bedding areas are highlighted in your eyes? Lol

  23. UV light flashlight hunting hogs at night basically same thing. That fluorescent blood shining in the light.

  24. Maybe it’s just my nasa rig over here nothing seems slow or choppy.. compared to escape from tarkov every game I play is smooth now

  25. Didn’t Special Forces and Delta do something similar to a lot of 1911’s from the 1940’s back in the day? Added rails and updated parts? It’s cool bringing an old war horse up to modern standards.

  26. My Remington Rand shoots great for being a ‘44, better groups than my Glock… I’d just leave it be and replace some springs here and there.

  27. I love it when streamers and there so their chat have conditioned to themselves that someone with like 400 hours, 8~KDR are automatically cheaters and tanking their score etc. Literally described my casual ass.

  28. After the latest ban wave white name with 460 hours gets auto reported from my ass. Those are farmed accounts sold online. Sorry if you fall in that category

  29. Idea - good milsurps in 308? Wanted a FN49 in 308 but those ones are crazy expensive 

  30. Lgs has a Spanish Mauser in .308 forsale… 700ish

  31. Dang my lgs had one for $350 it had a small crack in the stock

  32. That’s not a bad deal, seems here everything goes for a premium. Lots of buyers in dfw

  33. If you have a solid Mauser it’s fine to shoot I’ve gone through a tin of it. It does have a nice kick to it. Ian on forgotten weapons has a nice vid on them. Don’t put it in a machine gun.

  34. I picked up my dou Russian capture for 750 off GB 2015ish so I’d say that was a good price for 2024.

  35. Let’s add federales, mules, submarines, drug lords, highways, vehicles, rocket launchers…

  36. Good point didn’t even think of that. Honestly didn’t know that task changed depending on your faction

  37. Only reason I go bear. Went usec and getting that mission done was torture pre voice change of bears. Was like 1/10 kills were bear.

  38. 1 task out of so many now tho. Especially since the big quest lines moved from shoreline to lighthouse. Usec for me bcs lighthouse, and my NA opponents understand the shit talking.

  39. Just voip at that point. Also the task vs rogues is easy. Rogues are so easy to snipe and move in complete tasks leave. Finding bear tags is still 1/3 players at best. Granted this wipe has been the best so far in evening the amount of tags I’ve collected. Currently sitting at 1 1/2 usec cases and 1 1/4 bears cases full. Also a lot of higher lvl bears as well.

  40. I was on shoreline and breached a door directly into someone getting the drop on them. It was one of the small kitchen buildings at a Chalet with two doors a few feet apart. The guy was coming to flush me out after I killed his buddy.

  41. It can cause the player characters gun to move like when you are on a wall or aim and hit a bump. Lowers weapon

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