1. Why would anyone build a robot that inept?

  2. "Sir, turns out that robot we sent to Earth was actually REALLY shitty at it's job and rather than incorporating our digital code with their genetic code to harvest their lifeforce energy for our benefit he made a car that was shiny and funny looking."

  3. Lol $40k to run Zillow searches and turn in paperwork on time

  4. Not going to argue that their fee is acceptable - but I just recently sold a house; listed it for $300k which I thought was very acceptable and market value but my agent managed to get multiple parties involved and got them bidding and it eventually sold for $350k which basically paid for his fee and then some. Also I didn’t have to waste any time dealing with the buyers, I just showed up at the title company and got a check for $350k minus fees.

  5. I live on a farm in Michigan with 250 acres, if by some miracle Wendel sees this, contact me and it would be an honor to let you park your RV on the property - might be a bit cold during the winter though

  6. One of my hens makes the most dinosaur-like primordial sound when she is in the nesting box and I stick my hand in. It’s like a high pitch raspy growl - reminds me of a sound that you would put onto a teradactyl in a movie or something.

  7. My neighbor owns AEV - dude is rich AF and has a very sweet car collection

  8. I want to see the day that the driver of the vehicle thought of this and that he should make a giant poster to put on his tailgate. Did he go to Michaels and buy a big roll of Kraft paper and a set of magic markers? Did he use a ruler?

  9. I think this is also the first time we've gotten a good look at the current recording space?

  10. The Hentai collection must be behind the picture taker?

  11. Best part about this was if I scratched a CD I didn’t buy at the wall I’d just switch the jewel case and get a fresh copy. These CEO’s were just as smart as Columbia house or BMG

  12. Fortunately for them a cd probably cost $.01 to make and they were selling them for like $20 a pop

  13. I took a guitar 101 class in college because I thought it would be fun but it turned out to be miserable. At least I learned to sight read music for a semester

  14. I took a music composition 101 class in college and it was awesome! The prof would play an entire cd for us and we would just sit there with our eyes closed listening and then after we would all say what we liked and noticed. The only assignment was at the end of the year we had to write a piece for a cellist to preform and I’m pretty sure everyone aced it haha

  15. “They say we helped little jimmy mclaren win his INDYCAR race in west palm beach, I don’t know, that’s what they’re saying, perhaps we’ll do it again”

  16. Jimmy McLaren makes the BEST CARS. We had a great talk, great talk. The greatest talk. I think we are going to see more McLarens being built in the USA. Great company, Jimmy McLaren. Great cars, really the best. So many trophies on Jimmy's wall. The shineist, biggest trophies. They are really great.

  17. His early India videos are pretty great but only because he was so awkward and autistic. Now he makes like 2 hour long videos with no editing and so boring!!

  18. Thanks they are currently in my front room, looking pretty on a shelf above where I sit every day watching TV with my children! I will investigate tonight if any are the radioactive ones. Thanks for the heads up x

  19. You'll be fine, you probably get more radiation exposure 5 minutes out in the sun than an entire lifetime standing next to your thorium lenses

  20. I bought 15 barred rock sexed chicks and none were roos ... I thought they were easier to sex but I guess I was wrong!

  21. You don’t. So wait in line, but don’t complain if there is an easy solution.

  22. I’m just saying it’s kind of absurd you have to use the app to order otherwise you are waiting in line for half an hour. Maybe a potential reason they are losing business

  23. Maybe… but if every store was like that then their revenue would have a hard cap on total earned since production has been fully utilized per store, not declines in same store sales.

  24. Why do these corporations hire so many people in the first place? If the company can seemingly continue on without 10%+ of their workforce why were they hired in the first place? Bad management?

  25. Fun fact. They trained with a mock compound they built like for like. But they used a chainlink fence instead of a wall, so they didn’t realize that a wall could mess with the prototype helicopters lift resulting in the crash

  26. I’ve always wondered how they made that mistake … if you are going through the trouble to rebuild his entire compound it seems like you could get the walls accurate. Maybe the walls were just recently built or something?

  27. It's when you add hooves to something right?

  28. Yes … beheading is when you add a head to someone

  29. Free Guy, Fallout, Fall Guys, The Other Guys… should have chose a different title!

  30. They should have left it there after filming, staffed and stocked it, and used it as an actual gas station.

  31. unfortunately sets like these are not built to last or be functional, I'd be willing to bet there isn't even an interior of the gas station

  32. Please please dont do this and domt encourage this. If you see people feeding animals in zoos and national parks where its forbidden, call them out.

  33. The worker literally says not to feed it in the video

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