1. i can get the below to work with a fakesink but cant figure out how to pipe this to a rtspclientsink location.

  2. any luck on this? I can't seem to get rtspclientsink working either..

  3. One of a couple things could be done without opening the wall. First would be to get two

  4. Thanks for the advice! I think I'll try the 2 45's route and hopefully can get it lined up

  5. Yeah plenty of room. Personally I wouldn't cut the fitting off the wall at the back, I would leave the ubend and just replace that whole flexible pipe section with fittings instead because that is where your problem is coming from

  6. That's probably what I'll end up doing, thank you

  7. https://www.kaggle.com/code/taha07/upscaling-images-using-esrgan-complete-procedure

  8. lol that's why it's called "dating". If you want a monogamous relationship that's fine, have a clear conversation with your partner and lock things down. Otherwise it's very normal to talk to more than one person at a time when you're dating and still single

  9. My cat needs a printer to get startled by!

  10. She always does this when she's excited lol scratched the hell out of my finger but I finally caught her in the act

  11. Does she itch her ears a lot? I ask because of the way she shook her head before the cute thing... could be a sign of ear mites, I say that because my boy had them. He itched them just slightly more than normal, but occasionally would do a "head-shaking" movement, looks similar to what your kitty did for a split second there. Not trying to be a downer or anything, just throwing it out there just in case.

  12. I've had a lot of people ask if she needs her ears cleaned/has an ear infection, has her claws stuck, is having a seizure etc but nope, she really only does this when in a playful mood! She's done it ever since she was a kitten and she's been to the vet multiple times, nothing wrong with her! Appreciate the concern tho :)

  13. I've been trying to catch her doing this for so long now... did it cost me a finger? Yes. Was it worth catching this little idiot in action? Also yes.

  14. So, I had 2 cats who did this and in my eyes is not a victory dance but a reboot when they are in attack mode, instincts telling them "attack" but their fluffly family side saying "Do not attack the hooman, hooman good" and they enter this weird intimidation dance of "maybe I attack you, maybe I won't!".

  15. Haha I trust your gut feeling! She definitely looks like her 2 brain cells are fighting for control and one is for violence the other is for sleeping 16 hours

  16. I love this dance so bloody much. 😍

  17. Aw lol was yours raised around dogs? I have no idea why mine does this but it's just something she's always done

  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzDjDwwIARU

  19. To view the overlay on the map, click on the video source icon on the map, then choose the top option to view the video. Once you're seeing the video, you should see a 'globe' icon appear near the top of the video player. If you press that icon, it should then place the video on the map at the end of the cone.

  20. Completely off topic but think your batt insulation has the vapor barrier facing the wrong way.

  21. Lol yeah you're totally right. That's how it was when I bought the house but I never bothered to flip them, but I probably will now!

  22. How did you notice that? Just by chance?

  23. I've been in and out of my attic a lot recently (Xmas decorations) and just noticed that giant crack

  24. Perhaps, just realize that the rafter will then have the same load across a greater distance, increasing deflection, and may not be adequately sized to accommodate that, may need some additional support for those rafters.

  25. lol I'll just toss a coin then, will wear a helmet if heads, cut my legs off if tails.

  26. Unless the hair/fiber/whatever things he grew penetrated deeper than the paint and went into the actual material of the ceiling

  27. Aren't most ceilings drywall though? If i can fall through the drywall in my attic, I'm guessing spiderman can tear it right off the ceiling

  28. No, we aren’t all aware of that because some of us are aware of the complexity. But I will admit that the term “stick” is being used multiple ways here, even by me. So, I meant stick as in via a glue-like substance; as in the tape you were referring to. But there are differences between why things stick — adhesive, cohesive, magnetism, charges, molecular polarity, etc. Spiders use intermolecular forces and dynamic attachment that attract molecules in the tiny hairs on the tips of their appendages to the molecules of the surface. These intermolecular forces are strong enough to bear their weight but weaker than the forces holding the surface molecule to the rest of the surface, so break without doing damage to the surface or the hairs. I’m assuming that Spider-Man uses something similar to spiders. Which, of course, requires me to suspend my disbelief of the physics involved being possible. But then again, if I accept Spider-Man existing to climb walls, I’ve already suspended disbelief of the impossible biology that resulted in him in the first place.

  29. I didn't think I'd be learning cool spider facts, but here we are

  30. Don't threaten me with a good time

  31. Job and stocks. Robinhood is a good place to start if you're interested in investing

  32. You'll get confused looks, but you'll be woke

  33. Same man, but I made it through engineering school and it was worth

  34. Legs are sore just looking at it

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