1. It's just a friendly date. You think Barret and Cloud are romantically involved?

  2. I never really put any weight into it. I loved each character individually and they were all incredible. I didn’t care who loved who and who does not.

  3. Same, I usually don't really care about shipping in fiction

  4. After dealing with trolls and shitstirrers online the last 30 years I’m confident that it IS their hobby

  5. Why are you so wise in the ways of science?

  6. Can we return to sexual jokes of questionable legality

  7. You mean sexual jokes about adult women?

  8. I like Beck. She was flawed just like other humans. Thats what makes me like her, because she is relatable. I feel bad for her as well. She didn't have a good family life and she was used by people around her. It's sad that people love Peach but hate on Beck the most.

  9. Most wholesome and heartwarming anime ever

  10. It’s already been confirmed Norm is going to have an onscreen romance with the brain on a roomba

  11. Very first time I came up to this place I walked over the edge, did realize there was raiders till after they saw me and then I took a mini nuke to the teeth

  12. I accidentally had a save point right before they detonated the mini nuke near me so every time I died, I will return to that point and be killed immediately afterwards. This happened maybe around 10 times before I was quick enough to move away before the thing explodes

  13. I don't care about evidence, it is still true in my mind

  14. This is crucial for the story to develop, Anno confirmed it already

  15. You can be a creepy weirdo and be respectful. Check out lesbian TikTok for tips.

  16. Having a fetish doesn't make you a creep

  17. One of my friends used Man on a school project and he got an A for it. We spreading it into real life.

  18. And a great one, but with even larger global domination feel, and a spy/techno thriller as the background story. I'm not saying the FC story wasn't high stakes, but the players in Mr. Robot were fighting for power that transcended nation states. Has there been any fiction to do this for a story in the present day? It was SO high stakes I had to watch. The Fight Club story of erasing the CC debt was in reality a not great plan or realistic, but it seemed huge and it was totally authentic for the character and made a great story for the limited time a movie has to tell one. But in Mr. Robot not only are the antagonists plans for global economic hijinks plausible - each action is merely a move in the overall political ambitions of the players.

  19. As for stakes, I can mention a couple of works of fiction with higher stakes than Mr robot, but most of them are anime:

  20. I mean Kyoshi is the dumbass avatar who while on trial for murder as Aang said, "Yeah he mught not have actually been killed by me directly, but I basically did it anyway, and I'll fucking do it again."

  21. She said people got mad at her for sometime after the show ended when she was out in public with her real life husband.

  22. He wasn't as funny as usual but he's not going to hit it every time. 

  23. That's probably why they burned out, the audience should be more understanding

  24. Nah, We've already seen a timeline where Iroh is dead, remember he's in the spirits world

  25. I can understand some, but not all. I feel like Michaela Murphy (Toph's VA) would 100% be up to voice Toph again.

  26. Oh come on, a Fallout spoiler on Mr Robot sub?

  27. Hardly a spoiler, he appears just a few minutes in

  28. Is the actor alright? He seemed very shaky in the first episode, haven’t seen anymore, don’t know anything about him but I hope it’s not some health issue

  29. It looks like he can't walk without a cane

  30. That’s interesting. I remember being attacked when I returned the eg.

  31. That's why I didn't return it, I gave it to the cook

  32. I somehow dreamt one of the episodes last night and, going off of that, I’d say it’s pretty good

  33. I also dreamed I was watching it last night, in fact all night

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