1. Er. Er-Er. Er. Er-Er-Er. Er. Er. Er-Er. Er. *trombone noise*

  2. Wait, if I'm here, then that means...dude, fire your PR team. Everyone.

  3. I'm a videographer, so I can record for VoxTech...then take whatever I want, sell it for half the cost, and give it to friends for free. I also know how to code, so maybe a website or app here or there...but that industry's likely controlled by the Vees as well.

  4. The wee wee bush. For awhile it was marked as a tourist attraction on Google Maps

  5. I mean, he's a businessman... doing business. ✨ VOXTECH! TRUST US WITH YOUR MONEY!✨

  6. Psycho TV Head Got Hard To THIS Video Of A Dying Deer! (GONE SEXUAL!) (WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IS SHOCKING!)

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