1. Travelling from Jersey to Hartford on 84 is some of the most agonizing driving I've experienced in my life.

  2. Ahh yes, i84. Where the only time you can pass, is when a "slow traffic" lane opens up on the RIGHT.

  3. Buuuuuut Merica The only 1st world country who can't manage to give proper leave

  4. The little zombie already has a tablet. It’s over for him

  5. The real baby-brains must be the parents. Don't give a baby an iPad. Let them experience the real world, before watching it through a screen. We don't need anymore device-zombies!

  6. Wait so are you supposed to twist those as you go up? I never knew that

  7. I love Chelsea so much because she has the same mannerisms of my sweet baby girl who crossed the bridge in 2018. I love when you post videos of her ❤️

  8. are you the guy who had a video of coming home at lunch and doing headbutts with your dog and saying "hey lady"

  9. Yes indeed. I think that video is on my IG @ chelseathedog_ig

  10. Did you see Schnoodle's edits? Didn't want you to miss them!

  11. Yes, riding the dog. On its right hip. It looks like gerbil. Maybe hamster.

  12. Oh that’s just her leg/foot. It looks weird from the angle the video is taken at .

  13. That is a good way to get hooked though! Fingers crossed.

  14. The Witcher 3 came close for me, but I found that the amount of cutscenes took me out of my immersion. Skyrim had a way of giving you just enough story and then letting your imagination do the rest.

  15. What are you doing using your big school words? Just use normal people words and I'll understand what you're talking about.

  16. I like when a word means exactly what you want it to mean. Maybe I’m just weird.

  17. Was making a TPB reference, Lahey! Maybe try calming down with the drinkie-poos.

  18. Wow that went right over my head. The liquor must be calling the shots.

  19. Heads up - you're in "the good ol' days" at the moment 😊

  20. I was thinking, what do you do for a living :) ?

  21. I’m kind of a Jack of all trades. I work in the office for a construction company, I do landscaping on the weekends and I hawk beer at concerts. For a long time I worked in an animal hospital… I do t exactly have what you would call a “career”

  22. Are you using the pack and play plus attachments as your whole baby set up or did you also get a bassinet? We are trying to figure that out now.

  23. The pack and play is pretty much just a baby changing station right now, and we got a bassinet that rocks automatically and makes white noise for when the baby is being extra fussy. It’s working out great so far.

  24. Omg the first 30 seconds of the video i thought that dog sure looks a lot like ChelseaTheDog, then the owner appeared and i was like damn, it is her.

  25. Are you the same guy I've seen video of playing games on the floor while your dog keeps trying to get your attention? Your username (and dog) look familiar and I've tried looking through your previous posts but there's so many. I do see the one from 1 year ago where you had the cat in your jacket and I definitely remember that one.

  26. Yup same guy, same dog although I don’t get to do as much gaming these days.

  27. He loves blocking the dog from using the stairs. He does it all the time 😂

  28. Very cool, but seriously, do not fuck with bears.

  29. I was pretty far away. My phone was fully zoomed in for that video, and I was on a lawn mower just sitting there observing.

  30. @ chelseathedog_ig for those that want to see it with music

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