1. That was my question. Is it her?

  2. I’d have asked her if she knew the difference between a chicken drumstick and a penis….when she inevitably said no, I’d have invited her to a picnic.

  3. If any of you reprobates in the comments take her on a date……you better not stand her up.

  4. I’ve never wanted to referee a match so much in all my life

  5. I was led here by a very attractive looking gir……………wait a minute

  6. Calm down calm down everyone, we’ve seen this kind of tactic and potential threat before, remember “Mascara May?” And who could forget “Femme Fatale February” ….. these things rarely take shape no matter how many get involved or numbers that vote on that poll…..as at least 60%-80% will be washing their hair or doing their nails on the actual D-Day. Stand easy people….and stay frosty.

  7. You don’t happen to have a spare razor? …..do you?

  8. Righto boyz!! ….. what IS going on here then?….. I’m away for a few days and return to a self aware drone posting selfies! I wanna know when the fuck, how the fuck and what the fucking fuck! Did someone turn off the Jammer? Did someone not reset the ……you know…the thing that needs resetting every fecking day? Where the fuck is Gavin? It’s clearly his fault….if anyone sees Gavin, tell him to go to the fucking office…like now.

  9. Yes absolutely, first the pink…then the brown.

  10. Ah cool, I thought it looked a little different at the front, but that’s awesome, the pink pig has its own piggy bank, cool planes mate, Corsair is 👌, and Walt there too lol, we must be distant relatives lol.

  11. I think they’ve always been here in the drone form that we see……. Theory…see what you guys think….

  12. Message compromised……. Scramble text……..authorise agents eyes only CODE357…… rescue team has been dispatched to last known coordinates…… password EMBARGO. recon team dispatched to last known location of drone model KT PERRY.

  13. Holy Purge Mask! …… Ok ok I think we can all agree that the lovely drones with which we share our lives with today……are a million miles ahead of this early prototype we see here.

  14. Drone, in the female form, we reached this conclusion a while back…..keep up 007

  15. Aim Bots! You see…..this is why I suck at PUBG

  16. The very best of luck to you! Being the very last of a species comes with great responsibility, you may even shape what ever world comes next. Be strong…..oh and stay dry, and NEVER eat after midnight! God speed young lady.

  17. I’M ……. Just checking that the apostrophe is functioning correctly whilst typing caps…..evidently it does…. Please return to pod and select ……2024 neo English data file Zulu Alpha 262 for download and installation. If girls were in fact real…..then said girl would have put a million apostrophes in that post. You are welcome.

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